Brown Technology Innovations

For Faculty & Inventors

Brown Technology Innovations strives to provide faculty and inventors with the resources and support necessary to bring their ideas to impact.

Disclose an Invention

The first step to protecting your innovation is to file an Invention Disclosure. The Invention Disclosure provides BTI with basic information about the invention and helps us assess patentability and commercial potential. We encourage the submission of Invention Disclosures early and often, preferably in advance of any public disclosure.

Disclosure Forms

Software-based Innovations

For software-based innovations, we recommend the use of Computer Science’s Copyright Notice.

Engage with Industry

Industry is frequently interested in collaborating with academia- to gain insight into emerging science and technologies, to access talent, equipment, or facilities, and/or to access Brown-developed intellectual property (IP). Each Sponsored Research Agreement or Research Collaboration Agreement is tailored to meet the specific needs of the research it supports, but certain features common to all such agreements ensure that the mission-directed goals of Brown, the academic freedom of its faculty, students and other researchers, and the commercial goals of the for-profit sponsor are respected and fairly balanced.


Contact us if you have been approached by a potential industry partner, or want to reach out to a potential industry partner.

Start a Company

If you think your research could be the basis for a start-up company, let us help you! BTI has a vast, and constantly growing, network of entrepreneurs, early-stage investors, and other strategic resources that can help to evaluate and ultimately launch your start-up idea.

Contact us to learn more


Conflict of Interest Guidance for Faculty and Students Interested in Start-Ups

Translational Research Funding

BBII manages an academic accelerator fund dedicated to supporting academic biomedical technologies--with potential for high impact--to become well-defined product opportunities that are attractive to  industry partners and investors.

Learn More about Funding

Additional Information

Commercialization of inventions based on university research is an important way to develop valuable products as well as an effective mechanism to disseminate knowledge gained from basic research. Many products on the market today originated from basic research conducted at universities.  
Brown Technology Innovations assists researchers in securing financial support from industry by identifying prospective sponsors and negotiating agreements. Sponsored research agreements generally provide sponsors with certain rights to resulting inventions and to review research results within the project scope and term.
Learn about the updated intellectual property policies at Brown University, including the Patent and Invention Policy and the Copyright Policy, approved and adopted by The Corporation in December 2019 and October 2020 respectively.
Brown Technology Innovations assists faculty with confidentiality agreements (CDAs), enabling investigators to provide confidential or proprietary information to third parties.
Any consulting agreements involving faculty or staff would normally be between the individual and the third party.
Research Agreements and Contracting (RAC) assists Brown’s research community with Materials Transfer Agreements (MTAs), enabling investigators to get rapid access to materials and transfer materials to others while ensuring that the parties’ rights are fully protected.