Infrastructure Support

Computing & Information Services 

Computational support across Brown is overseen by Computing and Information Services (CIS).

Center for Computation and Visualization 

The Center for Computation and Visualization (CCV) manages high performance computing and maintains OSCAR, the flagship supercomputer cluster with several hundred multi-core nodes sharing a high performance interconnect and file system.  The CCV is a Center within Computing and Information Services.

Brown Center for Biomedical Informatics 

The Brown Center for Biomedical Informatics (BCBI) was founded in July 2015 to lead the development and application of informatics approaches in biomedicine and health care. The three-fold mission of BCBI is to: (1) Innovate how electronic biomedical and health data are used, (2) Implement solutions for improving biomedical research and healthcare delivery, and (3) Inspire the next generation of biomedical researchers and clinicians in partnership with collaborators in existing areas of excellence at Brown, its hospital affiliates, and statewide healthcare organizations.

Center for Computational Molecular Biology 

The Center for Computational Molecular Biology (CCMB) at Brown was founded in September 2003 with the aim of establishing a world-class center for research and scholarship in this new discipline. CCMB’s central mission is to make breakthrough discoveries in the life sciences at the molecular and cellular level through the creative application of existing data analytic methods, and the development of novel computational, mathematical, and statistical technologies required exploit the opportunities emerging from advances in genomics and proteomics.

The Center for Statistical Science 

The Center for Statistical Science (CSS) was established in 1995 to foster statistical research and education at the Medical School and the University in general. Several new research centers were established through the Program in Academic Enrichment (PAE), a flagship initiative of former President Ruth Simmons who stepped down in 2012.  This initiative provided growth of the Center and increased the size of the faculty by approximately 20%.

Advanced Clinical Translational Research

Advance Clinical and Translational Research (Advance-CTR) was established in July 2016 after receiving a five-year, IDeA-CTR program award by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences. Advance-CTR is a partnership between Brown University, The University of Rhode Island, Care New England, Lifespan, Providence VA Medical Center and the Rhode Island Quality Institute. It serves as a central hub to support and educate clinical and translational researchers in Rhode Island.