Reflections on Fostering Growth Mindset and Resilience

Recent research has highlighted the importance of both organizational and classroom mindsets on student outcomes. For instance, a fixed mindset held by professors is associated with larger racial achievement gaps among their students in the classroom. Specific academic disciplines in which success tends to be attributed to raw, intellectual brilliance (vs. effort, persistence, and growth) generally have fewer women and African-American students enrolled in their doctoral programs. In this seminar, we will explore the importance of mindset on student achievement and self-efficacy. We will also explore strategies that you can use in your educational environments to help your students adopt a growth mindset. This seminar will be led by Dr. Lourdes Alemán, Associate Director for Teaching and Learning at MIT’s Teaching and Learning Lab. Dr. Alemán is this year’s invited speaker for the Sheridan Teaching Consultant program. This seminar is designed for faculty and graduate students. Please register for zoom link.