Teaching Distracted Minds

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As instructors struggle with the problem of distracted students on our campuses and in our classes, they have become increasingly frustrated by the ways in which digital devices can interfere with student learning.  But are students today more distracted than they were in the past?  Has technology reduced their ability to focus and think deeply, as some popular books have argued?  This workshop draws upon scholarship from history, neuroscience, and education in order to provide productive new pathways for faculty to understand the distractible nature of the human brain, work with students to moderate the effects of distraction in their learning, and even leverage the distractible nature of our minds for new forms of connected and creative thinking. This event is part of the 2019 Invited Teaching Consultant series with James M. Lang, a Professor of English and the Director of the D’Amour Center for Teaching Excellence at Assumption College in Worcester, MA. Please register for this event.