2635 Results based on your selections.
Arts and Humanities

How gospel music helped power the Civil Rights Movement

Ahead of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Charrise Barron, an assistant professor at Brown, discussed the long relationship between Black American music and social justice movements throughout history.
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A tunable, atomically thin materials platform may help researchers figure out how to create a robust quantum condensate that can flow without dissipation of energy — potentially paving the way for ultra-efficient lossless electronic devices.
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A new study reveals how the diminutive Moon could have been an occasional magnetic powerhouse early in its history, a question that has confounded researchers since NASA’s Apollo program began returning lunar samples in 1969.
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Science and Technology

Magnetic surprise revealed in ‘magic-angle’ graphene

Magnets and superconductors don’t normally get along, but a new study shows that ‘magic-angle’ graphene is capable of producing both superconductivity and ferromagnetism, which could be useful in quantum computing.
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News and Events

The year in stories — 2021

At Brown, calendar year 2021 was brimming with breakthroughs, reflections, an unshakeable sense of community and the determination necessary to move forward — here are 21 stories that offer a glimpse at that activity.
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Brown, Lifespan and Care New England leaders joined U.S. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse and other experts in a virtual discussion on the potential for an integrated system to provide world-class care for the people of Rhode Island.
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The Bubbler, a breathalyzer device that reverse-transcribes RNA from airborne SARS-CoV-2 in breath, predicts lower respiratory tract involvement and is less invasive than alternative testing approaches, researchers say.
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An independent study project organized through the Native American and Indigenous Studies Initiative is enabling students to strengthen their knowledge of international Indigenous languages, from Narragansett to Yoruba.
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The accomplished dean and professor, who oversaw the creation of renowned academic centers and recruited world-class faculty, will return to research and to teaching English, comparative literature and German studies after a sabbatical.
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Science and Technology

Brown physics student earns Ph.D. at age 89

After a 30-year career in medicine, Manfred Steiner returned to the classroom to fulfill a lifelong dream of becoming a physicist.
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New research reveals the cellular mechanism behind why the elderly, as well as those with certain overlapping diseases, are at risk of infection and death from the virus — and how this mechanism can potentially be used to protect them.
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A free lesson plan created by Brown Ph.D. student Michael Dorney uses political cartoons to teach high school students about American politics and society in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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