Brown University Physics Department hosts the

Nanobiophysics in the 21st Century

Joint Fall Meeting of the New England Sections of the APS and the AAPT
October 29th and 30th 2010
Providence, Rhode Island
Abstract Submission
Abstracts (All Oral Presentations)
Poster Abstracts
List of Participants
Conference Poster

Organizing Committee:

Derek Stein (Brown U)
Domenico Pacifici (Brown U)
Rashid Zia (Brown U)
Don Donovan (Thayer Academy)


The 2010 Joint Fall Meeting of the New England Sections of the American Physical Society and the American Association of Physics Teachers (NES APS/AAPT) will be hosted by Brown University on October 29th and 30th.  The theme of the conference is  Nanobiophysics, and the plenary sessions will highlight leading research in the manipulation, imaging, and study of biological systems at the nanoscale.  Recent insights into the teaching of physics, as well as teaching workshops, will also be showcased.  The meeting will feature an evening of astronomical observations at the Ladd Observatory after the banquet dinner on Friday evening.  Nobel Laureate, Prof. Leon Cooper will be the banquet speaker.

Plenary Speakers
All plenary talks will be aimed at a general physics audience                                  

Patrick Doyle (MIT)
Naomi Halas (Rice)
Peter Nordlander (Rice)
Mark Reed (Yale)
Rohit Karnik (MIT)
David Pritchard (MIT)


Banquet Speaker:

Leon Cooper (Brown University)

Contact Information:  Mary Ann Rotondo, Conference Coordinator, Dept. of Physics, Brown University,
Box 1843, Providence, Rhode Island 02912  USA

[email protected]
Email and WWW will be our primary means of communication