In the Media

Library Inspires Site-Specific Textiles

Now that the Fleet Library at RISD has unveiled its collection of reupholstered Knoll club chairs, the Textiles majors who designed the bespoke fabrics are reflecting on how their designs took shape.  - RISD Media

One of the selected textiles was designed by  Sarah Nicita (BRDD 2020, Textiles and Cognitive Science) and fellow BRDD student, Hillary Brame (BRDD 2020, Furniture Design and Development Studies), contributed to the reupholstering of the chairs.

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Forbidden Love

Sebastián Niculescu (BRDD 2020, Sculpture, Ethnic Studies) performs, Tired Selena, part of the exhibition, “Y’all Better Quiet Down,” organized by Vaccaro and Nelson Santos this summer at the Bureau of General Services—Queer Division, New York.  Niculescu's work is reviewed in Artforum.

"Tired Selena most genuinely soars when Niculescu tests our capacities to read anachronistic snapshots, like this staged selfie. Her self-portrait—and this theatrical essay really is a series of sequentially unveiled self-portraits—references emergent histories of trans women vacillating between pose and repose, while simultaneously shedding light on the contemporary condition of the incrementally more privileged queer, afforded new degrees of visibility yet still perplexingly estranged from domculture."  

Read more on Artforum.

Look at Art. Get Paid. Collaboration by Maio Chao (AB Brown, MFA RISD) and Josephine Devanbu (BRDD 2016)

A Unique Program Pays You to Visit Museums as a Guest Critic

A conversation with Maia Chao and Josephine Devanbu, the founders of Look at Art. Get Paid., a program that pays people who wouldn’t otherwise visit art museums to visit one as guest critics of the art and the institution. -Hyperallergic

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Four BRDD Alumni among Brown and RISD Fulbright Scholars

Ying Bonny Cai (BRDD 2018, Apparel, East Asian Studies, and Economics), Sara Kahn, (BRDD 2016, Furniture Design and Computer Science), Allison Morgan (BRDD 2016, Apparel Design, History of Art and Architecture, and French), and Anrui Aaren Zhu (BRDD 2019, Apparel Design and International Relations) are among this year's RISD and Brown Fulbright Scholar award recipients.  

Read more in the RISD News article (image sourced from RISD Media)

Read more about the projects of the three award recipients who applied through RISD.



New England Foundation for the Arts honors the Steel Yard

The New England Foundation for the Arts (NEFA) presented its Creative Economy Awards in June.  The Steel Yard was recognized for their leadership and work within the city of Providence and Rhode Island.  Jenny Sparks (BRDD 2015, Sculpture and Geological Sciences), Client Relations Manager at the Steel Yard, was among the recognized group  awarded. 

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Apparel Collection Designed by Elizabeth Campos BRDD 19 AP

Singular Style at Collection 19

The collection by Elizabeth Campos BRDD 19 (Apparel Design and Literary Arts) is among the work of graduating seniors in Apparel Design in Collection 19, this year’s runway show.  Elizabeth's models in this photograph, also include Rachel Tandon BRDD 2019 (Painting and Music), Jeremy Wolin BRDD 2019 (Interior Architecture and American Studies), Jorge Palacios BRDD 2020 (Glass and Astrophysics), and Lucy Qiu RISD 2020 (Painting).

Read more about Collection 19 on RISD News and Events. 

Creative Collaboration: Sarah Nicita '20 reflects on the Edward Guiliano ’72 Global Fellowship

In 2018, Brown| RISD Dual Degree Program student Sarah Nicita (2020, Textiles, Cognitive Neuroscience) traveled to Xiangxi, China. As an Edward Guiliano ’72 Global Fellow, she spent the spring researching the socio-economic development of textile production in the area. Here, she reflects on her experience and its influence on her work.  ~ Brown University Swearer Center, Stories of Impact

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BBC Sounds Radio Featuring Ariana Martinez (BRDD 2017)

Ariana Martinez (BRDD 2017) works across mediums including sculpture, installation, narrative audio, and print media to convey the impact of geography, architecture, and infrastructure on individual and collective experience.  In “The People Who Feel,” featured on BBC Sounds, they share an audio piece reflecting a part of their experience while reporting in Puerto Rico.  (BBC Series 18 Segment 1:45 - 6:05 )

Friday Five with Nadia Wolff

Miami native Nadia Wolff is a Haitian-American artist, designer, poet, and maker whose work beautifully blends culturally significant themes of gender, sexuality, race, and identity.  -DesignMilk, Photo credit: World Red Eye

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Invested in Design for the Greater Good

Despite the diverse range of problems Kate Reed BRDD 21 ID addresses through her major in Industrial Design, they all share a clear common denominator. “All of my work,” says the third-year Brown|RISD Dual Degree student, “is deeply related to social change and the social good.” - RISD Media

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