Visualizing the Decameron: A Selected Bibliography

The following list of books and articles is a preliminary bibliography of critical works by scholars working in the disciplines of literature, history of art, iconography, anthropology, and semiotics among others. The study of visual images that mirror, compliment, augment, derive from or otherwise refer to literary texts is currently being approached by scholars in diverse fields. At present this bibliography refers to articles in Italian, English, and French language publications that discuss period (1400-1550) visualizations of both Decameron codice and Italian paintings that image boccaccian themes, as well as criticism of Pasolini's filmic adaptation of the Decameron. For further suggested readings, see the Decameron Web Bibliography, or the suggested readings lists in Italian and English from Prof. Riva's IT102 syllabus (2001)

Baskins, Cristelle L. "Gender Trouble in Italian Renaissance Art History: Two Case Studies", Studies in Iconography 16 (1994): 1-36.

(S. A.)