arc Brown University Petra Excavations elephant elephant
  arc The West Colonnade of the Lower Temenos elephant elephant
  A colonnade is a series of columns, arranged in order, supporting an entablature and often a sloped a roof.

One of the goals of the 1996 season was to better delineate the function of the West Colonnade area, as the team attempted to answer questions about the symmetrical layout of the Lower Temenos. What was found instead was a series of structures that had been dug into and post-dated the colonnade — they appeared to be coeval to and associated with the massive burning found in later deposits of the West Exedra. Although the form and function of most of the structures were identifiable — there was part of a curvilinear structure and a well — an explanation of the later use phase of the West Exedra remains tentative.

At present, we suggest this area may have served as part of a bath or perhaps an industrial complex that was constructed on and into the triple stylobates of the West Colonnade. Further excavation will elucidate the function of this area.
The West Colonnade, 1997

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