Hidden Text (Place Bible)
- Heidegger, Martin; 1971. “Building dwelling thinking,” in Poetry language throught. A. Hofstadter (trans.). New York: Perennial Classics, 141-160.
Week 1. (January 26) An Introduction in favour of Places, and the making of a place-world.
- Leff, David K.; 2004. "file:6462311 Surveying]" in The last undiscovered place. Charlottesville and London: University of Virginia Press, 1-40.
Week 2. (February 2) Places of modernity, places in supermodernity
Place reports: Starbucks, Airport terminals, Industrial ruins
Reading downloads (Note: These materials have been archived and no longer publicly accessible.)
- Opening Remarks, by Ömür Harmansah for Drawing on rocks, gathering by the water: archaeological fieldwork at rock reliefs, sacred springs and other places.
- Appadurai, Arjun; 1996. "The production of locality," Modernity at large: cultural dimensions of globalization. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 178-199.
- Auge, Marc; 1995. Non-places : introduction to an anthropology of supermodernity. London, New York: Verso.
- González-Ruibal, Alfredo; 2008. "Time to destroy: an archaeology of supermodernity," Current Anthropology 49/2: 247-262.
Week 3. (February 9) Landscape: entering the place-world
Place reports: Ostia (Claudia), Göbekli Tepe (Emily).
- Sauer, Carl; 1925. "Morphology of landscape," University of California Publications in Geography 2/2: 19-54.
- Ingold, Tim; 1993. "Temporality of landscape" World Archaeology 25/2: 152-174.
- Knapp, A. Bernard and Wendy Ashmore; 1999. "Archaeological landscapes: constructed, conceptualized, ideational," in Archaeologies of landscape: contemporary perspectives. Wendy and A. Bernard Knapp (eds.). Blackwell: Malden MA, 1-30.
- Casey, Edward S.; 1996. "How to get from space to place in a fairly short stretch of time: phenomenological prolegomena," in Senses of place. Steven Feld and Keith H. Basso (eds.). Santa Fe: School of American Research Press, 13-52.
Optional feed for grad students:
- Rodman, Margaret C.; 2003. "Empowering place: multilocality and multivocality," in The anthropology of space and place. Setha M. Low and Denise Lawrence-Zúniga (eds.). Malden MA: Blackwell, 204-223.
- Hirsch, Eric; 1995. “Landscape: between place and space,” in The anthropology of landscape: perspectives on place and space. Eric Hirsch and Michael O’Hanlon (eds.); Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1-30.
Göbekli Tepe: web representation of an archaeological place
February 16. Long weekend: No class.
Week 4. (February 23) Dreamed, imagined, storied landscapes: ethnographic accounts of the place-world
Place reports: Kabyle House (James)
- Myers, Fred R.; 1986. "The Dreaming: time and space" Pintupi country, Pintupi self: sentiment, place and politics among Western Desert Aborigines. The University of California Press, 47-70.
- McBryde, Isabel; 2000. "Travellers in storied landscapes: a case study in exchanges and heritage," Aboriginal History 24: 152-174.
- Basso, Keith H.; 1996. "Wisdom sits in places: Notes on a Western Apache landscape" in Senses of place. Steven Feld and Keith H. Basso (eds.). Santa Fe: School of American Research Press, 53-90.
- Whitridge, Peter; 2004. "Landscapes, houses, bodies, things: 'place' and the archaeology of Inuit imaginaries" Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 11/2: 213-250.
Kabyle House
- Bourdieu, Pierre; (1971). “The Berber house” in The anthropology of space and place. Setha M. Low and Denise Lawrence-Zúñiga (eds.). Malden MA: Blackwell, 2003: 131-141.
- Silverstein, Paul A.; 2004. “Of rooting and uprooting: Kabyle habitus, domesticity, and structural nostalgia,” Ethnography 5: 553-578.
Week 5. (March 2) Archaeology of "natural" places and geological wonders: technologies of place and place-making
Place reports: Hierapolis/Pamukkale (Keffie), Maya caves (James), Bodmin Moor (Jessica)
- Bradley, Richard; 2000. An archaeology of natural places. London and New York: Routledge. Read as much as you can.
- Boivin, Nicole; "From veneration to exploitation: human engagement with the mineral world," 2004. Soils, stones and symbols: cultural perceptions of the mineral world. Nicole Boivin and Mary Ann Owoc (eds.). London: UCL Press, 1-29.
- Dean, Carolyn; 2007. "The Inka Married the Earth: Integrated Outcrops and the Making of Place," Art Bulletin 89.3: 502–518.
Maya caves: ritual uses
Bodmin Moor: archaeological place as wilderness
- Bender, Barbara et al; 2007. "Bodmin Moor: the living bedrock" in Stone worlds: narrative and reflexivity in landscape archaeology. Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press, 36-49.
Week 6. (March 9) Anatolian landscapes: environment, archaeology, and the long-term history
Place reports: Madra River Delta survey(Claudia),
- Yakar, Jak; 2000. "The Anatolian landscape" in Ethnoarchaeology of Anatolia: Rural Socio-Economy in the Bronze and Iron Age. Tel Aviv University/Institute of Archaeology, 2000
- Mitchell, Steven; 1993. "Rural Anatolia" in Anatolia: land, men and gods in Asia Minor. Oxford; Clarendon Press, 165-197.
- Gorny, Ronald L.; 1989. “Environment, archaeology and history in Hittite Anatolia,” Biblical Archaeologist 52: 78-96.
- Gorny, Ronald L.; 1995. “Hittite imperialism and anti-imperial resistance as viewed from Alişar höyük,” BASOR 299/300: 65-89.
- Glatz, Claudia; forthcoming. " Networks of interaction in Late Bronze Age Anatolia - exploring Hittite imperial relationships," Journal of Anthropological Archaeology.
- Waelkens, Marc; 1999. " Man and environment in the territory of Sagalassos, a classical city in SW Turkey." Quaternary Science Reviews 18: 697-709
Week 7 (March 16) Rock reliefs, caves, springs and quarries: sacred places in the Hittite and Assyrian landscapes
Place reports: Ivriz (Bochay), Fasıllar (Brad), Project Paphlagonia (Emily), Avkat Project (Sarah)
- Glatz, Claudia; 2009. "Networks of interaction in Late Bronze Age Anatolia - exploring Hittite imperial relationships," Journal of Anthropological Archaeology.
- Bonatz, Dominik; 2007. “The Divine Image of the King : Religious Representation of Political Power in the Hittite Empire” in Representations of Political Power: Case Histories from Times of Change and Dissolving Order in the Ancient Near East. Marian H. Feldman (ed.). Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns: 111-136.
- Volk, Lucia; 2008. "When memory repeats itself: the politics of heritage in Post Civil War Lebanon," International Journal of Middle East Studies, Volume 40/02: 291-314
- Gordon, Edmund I; 1967. "The Meaning of the Ideogram d KASKAL.KUR = Underground Water-Course" and Its Significance for Bronze Age Historical Geography" Journal of Cuneiform Studies 21: 70-88.
- Barnett, R. D.; 1953. "Phrygian rock facades and the Hittite monuments," Bibliotheca Orientalis 10/3-4: 78-82.
- Stokkel, Peter J.; 2005. "A New Perspective on Hittite Rock Reliefs" Anatolica 31: 171-188.
March 21-29 Spring Break
Week 8 (March 30) Fieldwork in locating places: Mediterranean style landscape surveys and methodologies of place
Place reports: Sandy Pylos (Brad)
- Cherry, John F. ; 2003. "Archaeology beyond the site: regional survey and its future," in Theory and Practice in Mediterranean Archaeology: Old World and New World Perspectives. R. Leventhal and J. Papadopoulos (eds.). Los Angeles, 137-60.
- Reger, Gary; 2007. "Region revisited: Identifying regions in a Greco-Roman Mediterranean context," Facta 1: 65-74.
- Thompson, Stephen; 2004. "Side-by-side and back-to-front: exploring intra-regional latitudinal and longitudinal comparability in survey data. Three case studies from Metaponto, Southern Italy," in Side-by-Side Survey: Comparative Regional Studies in the Mediterranean. Sue Alcock and John F. Cherry (ed.) Oxford: Oxbow Books, 65-85.
- Davis, Jack L. and Susan E. Alcock (eds.) Sandy Pylos: An Archaeological History from Nestor to Navarino. University of Texas Press.
1 page Final Paper Proposals with preliminary bibliography due on Friday April 3 to be posted on the Projects Page
Week 9 (April 6) Ethnography and ethnohistory in landscape archaeology: Workshop with Hamish Forbes
- Forbes, Hamish Alexander ; 2007. Meaning and Identity in a Greek Landscape: An Archaeological Ethnography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- April 7: Please plan to attend Hamish Forbes 's public lecture " So what about the Parthenon? Identity, monumentality, ethnicity and nationality in a Greek rural community "
Week 10 (April 13) Site-specific/site-generated art: memory, technology and place
Place reports: Ann Hamilton (Sarah), Gordon Matta-Clark (Tim).
- Kaye, Nick; 2000. Site-specific art: performance, place and documentation. Routledge: London and New York.
- Kwon, Miwon; 2004. One place after another: site-specific art and locational identity. Cambridge MA: The MIT Press.
- Lippard, Lucy R.; 1997. The lure of the local: senses of place in a multi-centered society. New York: The New Press.
- Scandura, Jani; 2008. Down in the dumps: place, modernity and American depression. Duke University Press.
Week 11 (April 20) Event of place: towards of complex understanding of archaeologies of place: fieldwork as site-specific performance
- Massey, Doreen; 2005. For space. London: Sage.
- Beck, Robin A.; Douglas J. Bolender; James A. Brown and Timothy K. Earle; 2007. "Eventful Archaeology : The Place of Space in Structural Transformation," Current Anthropology 48/6: 833-860.
Week 12 (April 27) Presentation of Projects (Final Paper Drafts due)
Final papers due: May 8.