Key Pages:
Course requirements
Course Description
Weekly schedule
Student Project Pages
Response Papers
Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology & the Ancient World
Brown University
Box 1837 / 60 George Street
Providence, RI 02912
Telephone: (401) 863-3188
Fax: (401) 863-9423
[email protected]
My research paper will investigate further the relationship between various Near Eastern landscapes and the peoples who inhabited them. I intend to look at both the development of settlement patterns and visually represented landscapes, such as the Assyrian rock reliefs, in order to come to some conclusion about landscape perception in different periods of the Near Eastern past. This approach will ideally enable me to consider some of the broad theories of whether and how the body is an integral component of shaping individual and cultural experience, such as phenomology, structuration theory, etc.
Preliminary Bibliography
Blanton, R.E. Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Settlement patterns of the coast lands of western Rough Cilicia.
Bradley, R. The Significance of Monuments
Bradley, R. An Archaeology of Natural Places
Ehringhaus, H. 2005. Gotter, Herrscher, Inschriften: die Felsreliefs der Hethitischen Grossreichszeit in der Turkei.
Kreppner, F.J. 2002. "Public Space in nature: the case of Neo-Assyrian rock reliefs," Altorientalische Forschungen 29.
Morandi, Daniele; 1988. ³Stele e statue reali Assire: localizzazione, diffusione e implicazione ideologiche,² Mesopotamia 23: 105-155.
Rossner, Eberhard P.; 1984. Die hethitischen Felsreliefs in der Türkei: ein archäologischer Reiseführer. Rgensburg: Selbst-Verlag.
Rossner, Eberhard P.; 1987. Die neuassyrischen Felsreliefs in der Türkei: ein archäologischer Reiseführer. München: E. P. Rossner Verlag.
Tilley, C. 1994. A Phenomology of Landscape. Berg, Oxford.
Posted at Nov 25/2006 07:13PM:
omur: Hi Brad,
A good resource is also Tony Wilkinson's recent book Archaeological landscapes of the Near East: