Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies

Colloquium at the Aspen Institute
Aspen, Colorado
June 13-15, 1999

The Physician Leadership on National Drug Policy leadership met this past June at the Aspen Institute. An important goal of this meeting was to facilitate dialogues between various disciplines in order to arrive at shared goals and to articulate the necessary steps in national and local research and advocacy efforts. To this end, representatives from law, the enforcement community, business leaders, legislators, community coalition leaders, and experts in addiction medicine and addiction psychiatry were present. The meeting was successful, with participants responding positively to the idea of working together to influence drug policy. We were fortunate to have an AP reporter present at the meeting, resulting in coverage that appeared in newspapers nationwide. The enthusiasm following this meeting has reinforced the need to continue on our path towards more effective treatment policies

Press Coverage

List of Attendees

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