The John Carter Brown Library, founded by John Carter Brown in Providence, Rhode Island, is broadly devoted to the history of the Americas from circa 1492 to 1825. In 1846, the symbolic "foundation" of the library, a little under 200 of the 1270 books purchased were Lima imprints. John Carter Brown also collected imprints from Spain and Portugal, along with works printed in Mexico and other Latin American countries in that year. His hemispheric collecting scope has remained the focus of the Library's mission. The Library is unrivaled in its collection of sixteenth-century Lima imprints, and has great strengths in other areas, including works printed in the indigenous languages of Peru. It is not just the number of Peruvian imprints of the colonial, independence, and early national periods held by the John Carter Brown Library that is important, however, but the diversity of those materials and in a great many instances, their singularity - being only known copies. The subjects range from ecclesiastical matters, to government papers, to indigenous language studies, and important literary works. The Library's Peruviana collection may be seen on Internet Archive <>.