Graduate Study


Brown University provides a unique environment in which to pursue interdisciplinary brain science graduate training. Research at Brown emphasizes collaborative theoretical and experimental studies of the brain, from the molecular to the behavioral and cognitive levels. It unites researchers who study the fundamental mechanisms of nervous system function and those who seek to create devices with brain-like functions that can assist people. The faculty is also committed to translating fundamental knowledge into practical applications to the diagnosis and treatment of the devastating effects of disease and trauma of the nervous system. Brown is a leader in brain-related research and offers exceptional training and course work for those interested in pursuing careers in brain science.

The Robert J. & Nancy D. Carney Institute for Brain Science partners with eight discipline-based graduate programs. Students interested in interdisciplinary brain science training enter through one of the following graduate programs.

Apply to graduate school at Brown

Applied Mathematics Graduate Program

The Applied Mathematics Graduate Program provides training and research activities in a broad spectrum of applied mathematics. The effort in virtually all the research areas ranges from applied and algorithmic problems to the study of fundamental mathematical questions. Many of our faculty are engaged in interdisciplinary research collaborations with colleagues at Brown or elsewhere. This breadth is one of the great strengths of the program and is further reflected in the courses we offer.

Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program

Biomedical engineering research is at the interface of engineering, biology, and medicine. The Graduate Program in Biomedical Engineering offers advanced training for careers in academia or industry, and features an interdisciplinary approach in four complementary research areas: tissue engineering/regenerative medicine, neuroengineering/imaging, biomaterials/nanotechnology, and biomechanics.

Biostatistics Graduate Program

The Graduate Programs in Biostatistics offer courses of study leading to Ph.D., Sc.M., and A.M. degrees. Major areas of research activity include analysis of biomarkers and diagnostic tests, causal inference and missing data, time series and functional data analysis, spatial data and network analysis; bioinformatics, longitudinal data, meta-analysis, and multilevel modeling.

Cognitive, Linguistic, and Psychological Sciences Graduate Programs

The Department of Cognitive, Linguistic, and Psychological Sciences is dedicated to the multidisciplinary study of mind, brain, behavior, and language. It offers three Ph.D. programs – Cognitive Science, Linguistics, and Psychology. Research areas include: behavioral neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, higher-level cognition, neural/computational models of cognition and language, perception and action, phonetics and phonology, psycholinguistics and language processing, semantics and syntax, and social psychology.

Computer Science Graduate Program

The Computer Science Graduate Program offers a Doctoral and a Master's program. Students conduct cutting-edge research and combine technical strength with a great diversity of backgrounds. They work with world-class faculty through coursework, research projects, and theses, and contribute to instruction as teaching assistants. Leading organizations actively recruit our graduates, and many of them are members of our Industry Partners Program. 

Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, and Biochemistry Graduate Program

The Graduate Program in Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry is a truly interdisciplinary, interdepartmental program that prepares students for careers that include research in biological and medical sciences. This program of study is directed toward understanding the biological systems of both plants and animals, as well as the scientific approaches used to make new contributions to our understanding of the biomedical field.

Neuroscience Graduate Program

The Neuroscience Graduate Program offers advanced study for academic and research careers in the field of neuroscience. Research in the program employs an impressive array of techniques and encompasses multiple levels of investigation – from genes, molecules, and cells to neural networks, systems, and behavior. The program integrates skills that are considered essential for successful, independent research careers such as critical thinking and reasoning, effective science writing and oral presentation, knowledge of the scientific review process, and ethics training.

Therapeutic Sciences Graduate Program

The Therapeutic Sciences Graduate Program offers advanced training appropriate for academic and research careers in the fields of biology and medical sciences with a focus on determining disease mechanisms, drug actions and developing novel therapies.