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The Office of the Dean of the College offers advising and support for nationally competitive fellowships that require institutional endorsement, as well as internal awards for graduate school, independent study abroad, and undergraduate research on campus or in the Providence community. Current undergraduates and recent alums receive support for all aspects of the fellowship process—from finding the fellowships that match their interests and goals, to working on drafts of the application essays, to practicing for interviews with faculty committees.

Brown's Dean of Fellowships, Linda Dunleavy, is the primary source of information and support for most nationally competitive fellowships and several internal fellowships. Click on the link at right to learn about the fellowships programs that Dean Dunleavy supports.  Several other important fellowships, such as the Mellon Mays Fellowship, the NSEP Boren, and the Royce Fellowships, are handled by different deans and directors.  Use the filter on the Fellowships at Brown site to identify and learn more about the fellowships that are most appropriate for you.