How to submit your abstract:


NOTE: Although the open registration period is over, we will accept abstracts/participants as long as space permits. Please submit your abstract as indicated below.

Abstracts should be submitted in RTF (rich text format)
Mail to: Mark Zervas, [email protected]

Title: 14-point Times New Roman, bold
Authors and affiliation: 14-point Times New Roman, do not bold
Text: 12-point Times New Roman, do not bold

Margins: one inch all around
Title: capitalize first word only
Authors: first name, last name. (Indicate the presenting author with a *)
Affiliation: Department. Institution. Address.
Text: 200 to 250 words. 250 words is the absolute maximum;
submissions longer than this cannot be accepted.

When complete, e-mail your abstract as word attachment in rich text format (.rtf) to
Mail to: Mark Zervas, [email protected]

Please indicate if you wish to give a talk or poster at the top
of your abstract as well as in the subject line of your e-mail.

POSTER BOARDS ARE 42 INCHES WIDE and 5 feet long, potrait style

Thank you!