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A New Framework for the Interpretation of Modulated Martensites in Shape Memory Alloys

Ryan Elliott (University of Minnesota), Vincent Jusuf (University of Minnesota)

From Atomistics to Reality: Spanning Scales in Simulations and Experiments Symposium B

Mon 4:20 - 5:40

CIT 227

Shape memory alloys (SMAs) are a class of materials with unusual properties that have been attributed to the material undergoing a Martensitic Phase Transformation (MPT). An MPT consists of the material's crystal structure evolving in a coordinated fashion from a high symmetry austenite phase to a low symmetry martensite phase. Often in SMAs, the austenite is a B2 cubic configuration that transforms a Modulated Martensite (MM) phase. MMs are long-period stacking order structures consisting of $[110]_{\text{cubic}}$ basal planes. First-principles computational results have shown that the minimum energy phase for these materials is not a MM, but a short-period structure called the Ground State Martensite. It is commonly argued that energy contributions associated with kinematic compatibility constraints at the austenite-martensite interface explain the experimental observation of meta-stable MMs, as opposed to the expected Ground State Martensite phase. To date, a general approach for predicting the properties of the MM structure that will be observed for a particular material has not been available. In this work, we develop a new framework for the interpretation of MMs as natural features of the material's energy landscape (expressed as a function of the lattice parameters and individual atomic positions within a perfect infinite crystal). From this energy-based framework, a new understanding of MMs as a mixture of two short-period Base Martensite phases is developed. Using only a small set of input data associated with the two Base Martensites, this MM Mixture Model (M$^4$) is capable of accurately predicting the energy, lattice constants, and structural details of an arbitrary Modulated Martensite phase. This is demonstrated by comparing the M$^4$ predictions to computational results from a particular empirical atomistic model.