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Microstructural Modeling of Intergranular and Transgranular Failure Modes in crystalline Materials

Mohammed Zikry (North Carolina State Universit), Qifeng Wu (N.C. State University)

Eringen Medal Symposium in honor of G. Ravichandran

Mon 10:45 - 12:15

Salomon 001

A dislocation-density based crystalline plasticity model for dislocation transmission and pile-ups and a microstructural failure criterion accounting for cleavage planes have been developed to determine optimal variant distributions for significantly improved ductility and fracture toughness in crystalline materials. Specialized finite-element methodologies using overlapping elements to represent evolving fracture surfaces are then used for a detailed analysis of fracture nucleation and intergranular and transgranular crack nucleation and growth. Criteria are developed for dislocation-density interactions and immobilization, and are directly related to crack blunting and deflection for applications related to martensitic steels and layered crystalline materials.