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Thermomechanical growth of nanovoids in FCC single crystals

Pilar Ariza (University of Seville), Mauricio Ponga (Caltech), Michael Ortiz (Caltech)

Discrete Dislocation Plasticity

Tue 10:45 - 12:15

RI Hall 108

Crystal defects play a critical role in determining macroscopic properties of solids, even when they are present in only very small concentrations. Defects such as vacancies and nanovoids are known to drastically modify the structural state of materials. Void nucleation, growth and coalescence are important micromechanical mechanisms underlying ductile crack growth in metals. In this work, we apply the HotQC method to the study of void growth in FCC single crystals at finite temperature under different loading conditions. The HotQC method is based on Jaynes´ principle of maximum entropy and on the variational mean-field theory in order to construct effective thermodynamic potentials for systems of atoms away from equilibrium. We are going to consider different initial temperatures and nominal strain rates. The calculations characterize the dislocation structures and kinetics that mediate during the cavitation process, as well as the transient temperature field attendant to the evolving dislocation structures.