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Advances in nano-composites for thermal and structural applications

Xianqiao Wang, University of Georgia
[email protected]

Nima Rahbar, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
[email protected]

(Mechanics of Solids and Structures)

The development of nanocomposites and nanostructures opens the possibility for new materials with remarkable properties in comparison with the classical engineered materials. The delivery, monitoring, behavior and control of nanostructures are important issues in the design of the next generation of structural materials. These complex materials structures require multi-scale and/or multi-physics approach to connect structure to properties and ultimately to function. The unique amalgamation of the discrete multiple length spectrum and its multi-physics principles creates an unprecedented way to study the mechanism of nanocomposites through the marriage of advancement of theoretical studies, exploitation of computational methods, and non-traditional experimental validation. This mini symposium welcomes contributions within this broad theme.

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