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Ian Straughn

Islamic Archaeology

Archaeology and Religion

Islamic Landscapes

Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology



Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology & the Ancient World
Brown University
Box 1837 / 60 George Street
Providence, RI 02912
Telephone: (401) 863-3188
Fax: (401) 863-9423
[email protected]

Some useful resources and refernces that you can access online:

The Research Archives of the Oriental Institute at The University of Chicago

Index Islamicus provides a serchable database for published works dealing with Islam and the Middle East and is a very useful tool to locate scholarly articles and books for in depth research projects.

Saudi Aramco World is a more general magazine with good well written short articles about everything from the antiquities to the conteporary cutlure of the Arabian Peninsula. It is an effort (and a remarkably quality one at that) to put forward a possitive image of the oil industry. You might also consider signing up to their photo archive

Some general information is available at the Society for Arabian Studies which suports various kinds of research in the Peninsula.

This is an interesting article about the history of mapping Arabia its relationship to politics and the importance of the cartographic enterprise.

For those interested in trade and shipping you might want to get some more background on the history of the dhow, a common sailing vessel throughout the Indian Ocean

PBs has done a documentary of the Arab Revolt in which T. E. Lawrence was a seminal figure. There are som short discussions of the revolt, Arab warfare, the important players, and the emergence of the nation-states of the Middle East.

These are some usefule websites for studying Pre-Islamic South Arabia and its archaeology:

For a good overview of recent research on South Arabian epigraphy have a look at the CSAI website

Two sites which have had recent archaeological expeditions are Tamna and Zafar the Himyarite capital

Also of interest is the NOVA site about Ubar which we will discuss near the end of the course.

This page of links list a lorge number of useful archaeology sites though many of the links are now defunct.

These are some usefule websites for studying Pre-Islamic North Arabia and its archaeology:

This site details the archaeological work at Tayma

The following site is a useful gateway to all things Nabataean

This is an interesting and detailed discussion of the controversy over the moon god as the foundational diety in the Arabian panteon and its relationship to Islam.

Recently the Smithsonian did a wonderful exhibit on the rock inscriptions of Saudia Arabia entitled Written in Stone. The website is a an excellent resource for those interested in the process of palaeography and the actual materials.

These are some useful links for Islamic Studies:

Dr. Godlas' Islamic Studies page This is an award winning resource for virtually everything.

You would also do well to have a look at the Professor B. Wheeler's website as well.

if you are interested in studying Arabic check out the following links:

Syrian Studies Association

American University in Cairo

Center for Arabic Suties Abroad Program

IQRA Institute Damascus

Fulbright IIE Program

Much more to come...