Key Pages:

Architecture and Memory
Course description and objectives
Resources and links

Weekly Schedule

Requirements and grading
Who we are

Image gallery
Discussion and debate

Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology



Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology & the Ancient World
Brown University
Box 1837 / 60 George Street
Providence, RI 02912
Telephone: (401) 863-3188
Fax: (401) 863-9423
[email protected]

This is a small, open-media project on documenting and writing about a monument, a memorial or site of memory in Providence RI. You are expected to write about and visually document a specific place or monument in the city- highlighting the particular memories, stories, imaginations attached to those places or monuments. Your case study can range from small commemorative plaques on street corners, odd industrial ruins lying around in town, major historic monuments, tombs, statues or some imaginary place about which there are public rumors and urban legends. The use of all kinds of media are encouraged but you should be able to post it digitally here on the wiki. Photographs, videos, drawings, sketches are encouraged along with a text, creatively put together. The written component of the project should be around 1000 words. (3-4 pages- double spaced).

Suggested case studies:

Suggested Readings and resources:

Due: Thursday February 19, 2009, 5 pm.


India Point Park by Sarah Baker

Molly Cousins' Project - Prospect Terrace Park and the Williams Root

The Network Arch Bridge by Ariel Schecter

Fleur-de-Lys Studio: A Site of Memory, Art and Literature in Providence, RI by Cassie Rogg

Mark Stokely's Project: The Providence Athenaeum

Bradley Hanson's Project: Remembering Providence's Hurricanes

Erin Calfee's Project: 2nd Floor Rock Women's Restrooms, 1990

Hannah Sheldon-Dean's Project: The Manchester Street Generating Station

Lolly's Project

Tim Carey's Project

Harry Aspinwall's Project: The Gano Street Bridge

Tim Simonds: The Stephen Hopkins House

Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel: A Mobile Monument, by Alex Yuly

Ana Escobedo: Latrinalia

Harrison Stark: The Providence River Basin

Emily Alvarez: Document IconRoger Williams.doc

Madeleine Filloux: A Memorial to Young Womanhood

Aleksandra Mackiewicz Masonic Temple

Alex: East Side Tunnel

Gillian LangDocument IconArch and Mem Gillian Lang Assignment #1.rtf

The Woman Who Lives Downtown by Marissa Faerber

Maya Porath: History is Not Inscribed in Stone (Roger Williams was Here)

Kit Elsworth - Providence's Commercial Graffiti

Elise Nuding: Rhode Island Hall: Architecture and Memory

Tess's Project: Tunnel Installation

Lyndsey Barnes: 48 College Street, The Classics Department

Daria Solomon: The Rhode Island Afro-American Heritage Trail

Alex H. Document Iconfirst baptist church.doc