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Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology



Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology & the Ancient World
Brown University
Box 1837 / 60 George Street
Providence, RI 02912
Telephone: (401) 863-3188
Fax: (401) 863-9423
[email protected]

Posted at Nov 02/2007 11:40AM:
Carissa L. Racca: I apologize for not saving my project directly to the website. I was having technical difficulties with it.

Perhaps, I will figure it out and will be working on it until then.

Posted at Nov 03/2007 03:09PM:
Carissa Racca: Sorry about the numerous revisions, I was having trouble with some of the images.

Document IconThe Neoclassical in Providence Revision.pdf

Posted at Nov 05/2007 01:00AM:
Harry Anastopulos: I like that rather than detailing a run-through of a number of Classically-inspired structures, you've gone into a more in-depth analysis of a specific structure. This, I think, strengthens your project quite a bit, as it leaves room for much more detail (seems rather becoming for a Senior Archaeology concentrator such as yourself?). The interior seems lavish and rife with Classical elements! My final comment: why does Am. Civ. get this gorgeous building all to itsel

Posted at Nov 11/2007 03:46PM:
Caitlin Howitt: I really liked that you basically took us on a tour of this one building, and I agree with Harry that in many ways its better that going through a whole bunch of different places. I also really liked that you were able to point out some of the smaller architectural details which I might not have noticed, like the staricase and the fireplaces. Great job!

Posted at Nov 11/2007 06:18PM:
chris witmore: Great job Carissa. You chose a worthy topic which is difficult to exhaust of connections to Greek inspired elements of design. You really drew out some of the key details of the Neoclassical. Please do provide us with the references you used for the project.

Posted at Nov 12/2007 10:31AM:
Carissa Racca: I will add the references that I used for my project as one of the final slides. My apologies for not doing it before.

Jacob Combs: I also really like the fact that you focus on one specific structure and really go into detail rather than looking at a bunch of different buildings. You do a great job of going through the house. One of the strongest parts of this project, I thought, was the way you integrated both the information about classical Greek and American post-Revolutionary architecture. That was a really effective way to connect the two periods not only through photos but also through text and analysis. Great project!

Posted at Dec 02/2007 12:36PM:
Rachel Griffith: This was a really good choice of topic. Focusing on one builing gave the project a very different "feel" than the other projects on architecture, and the Nightingale-Brown house was a great choice because of the wealth of material it provided. I think the choice to research a house rather than a different type of building was particularly interesting since it the house is such a personal space as opposed to the very sterile public spaces that we generally think of as the home of Greek inspired architecture (for example courthouses, government buildings, etc.)