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Research Projects
Crook Point Project
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Rise of the State
Ömür Harmansah

Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology


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Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology & the Ancient World
Brown University
Box 1837 / 60 George Street
Providence, RI 02912
Telephone: (401) 863-3188
Fax: (401) 863-9423
[email protected]

A private forum for students of this class has been established. To access course readings, visit , and log in with shared class password.

Week 1. September 6: Introduction.

Thursday ~ Approaching the city; ancient and modern.
Why do we get attached to cities? Ömür’s personal notes on living in Ankara.

Week 2. September 11-13: Cities: a world perspective.

Tuesday ~ What is a city?


Thursday ~ Poetics of urban space, poetry of the city, imaginaton of the city-dweller.


Week 3. September 18-20. Ancient cities, modern cities: a troubled dialogue

Tuesday ~ Modernism, modernity and the city: world divided (The West and the Rest!).


Thursday ~ Modernist biases and imaginations on ancient urbanism



Week 4. September 25-27. "The city does not tell its past": Mapping the material worlds of the city

Tuesday ~ Mapping the city: archaeological investigations of urban space. The case of Teotihuacán.


Thursday ~ Mapping the city II: case studies.



Week 5. October 2-4. City as a ceremonial center: first cities of the ancient world (the formation of the public realm)

Tuesday ~ City as a ceremonial center: The question of the first cities.


Thursday ~ Urbanization in ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt: Evolutionary models of social complexity: Egypt and Mesopotamia


Week 6. October 9-11. City and its territory: hinterlands and landscapes

Tuesday ~ Mesopotamian cities and their hinterland


Thursday ~ The Polis and the chora: ritual landscapes.



Week 7. October 16-18. Anthropology of urban form: meaning and urban space.

Tuesday ~ The meaning of urban form and landscape among the Maya


If you would need a geographical and historical background to Maya, you can take a look at this:


Thursday ~ Foundation of the city: myth and ritual



Week 8. October 23-25. Urban fabric

Tuesday ~ Discussion on heterotopias of urban space


Thursday ~ Urban fabric: archaeology of the household, spaces of the body. Old Babylonian Mesopotamia: private realms in the public world. City and the household in the Mediterranean



Further bibliography

Week 9. October 30-November 1. Streets, public rituals and social space: performance and bodily participation in the city.

Please go to the Passworded Page for downloading the articles.

Tuesday ~ Urban drama and body-politics I: streets and public life


Thursday ~ Urban drama and body-politics II: Akitu festival at Babylon and Panathaneia/Dionysia at Athens.



Further bibliography

Week 10 November 6-8. Evergetism vs. imperial projects: the social construction of ancient cities

Tuesday ~ Urban building as public spirit: Greco-Roman Euergetism/ Ottoman waqf


Thursday ~ Building the city: Euergetism in classical Oenoanda/Palmyra and 18th c. Aleppo



Further bibliography

Week 11. November 13-15. Teotihuacan and questions of cultural heritage in the urban context: Timothy Webmoor (Stanford University) visiting...

Monday ~ Talk by Tim Webmoor.

"...And Heritage for All! But What Is 'Heritage'? - at a World Heritage Site for Example"
5:30 pm, Nightingale-Brown House, 357 Benefit Street

I hope that everyone will be attending this lecture.

Tuesday ~ Discussion with Tim Webmoor.

Thursday ~ No class. (Omur is away for ASOR Meetings in San Diego)

November 21-25 Thanksgiving Recess

Week 12. November 27-29 At the edge of the city: Heterotopias and other marginal spaces in the ancient city

Tuesday ~ Marginality and politics of space in the city: the case of Providence Seakonk river front.
Assignment 4. Crook Point essays due.


Thursday ~ The corrupting city: disease, pollution, and sex in the ancient urban landscapes


Presentation (Witt):

Document IconPompeian Brothels and Social History.ppt

Week 13. December 4-6. Presentations and wrap up.

Tuesday ~ Student presentations of individual projects (Final Paper Drafts due)

Thursday ~ Wrap up and final discussion.

Final Papers Due: December 20, 5 pm.