Rapport fait par Toussaint Louverture, Général en Chef de l'Armée de Saint-Domingue, au Directoire exécutif.


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Juan Vázquez de Acuña, Galileo Galilei, filosofo, y mathematico el mas celebre. [Lima, 1650].


This extraordinarily rare biographical pamphlet is significant in many ways. In addition to providing a sketch of Galileo’s life, it discusses his principal publications, calling them more lucid than the works of Johannes Kepler and François Viète. It even examine’s Galileo’s controversial Saggiatore, a dialogue between the rival cosmologies proposed by Ptolemy and Copernicus. That this work was printed in Lima in 1650 signifies that there was a scientifically literate community in Lima familiar with cutting-edge European debates between the geocentric and heliocentric models of the universe. Lima, indeed, was as cosmopolitan as any European city of the time.