
Histoire de la révolution de Saint-Domingue


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Histoire de la révolution de Saint-Domingue

Author: Dalmas, Antoine

Place of Publication: Paris
Publisher: chez Mame frères, imprimeurs-libraires

Publication Date: 1814
Physical Description: 2 v. ; 22 cm. (8vo)

This famous work was only recently acquired by the John Carter Brown Library. According to the author in his preface, this account of the revolution in Haiti was written, from exile in the United States, in the winter of 1793-1794. One of the claims to fame of his work is the first inclusion of a description of a vodou ceremony among the black slaves in Bois Caïman (volume 1, p. 117-118). Everyone swore an oath to fight for freedom until death. Although the term "vodou" is not used by name, Michèle Oriel Oriol, in the Histoire et dictionnaire de la révolution et de l'indépendance d'Haïti, p. 185, claims that Dalmas is the first to describe such a ceremony in print [Moreau de Saint- Méry’s Description (1797) also describes one]. This work also includes a folded leaf in volume 2 bound to face p. 294 consisting of 3 separate tables; table 1 has two tables which have been prepared by Charles Wante and published in 1805 to demonstrate the economic importance of Saint Domingue to the French.

Call Number: E814 .D184h