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What are Group Problem Sessions?

  • The Group Problem Sessions (GPS) for CHEM0330 were begun in the Spring of 2014 as a means for students in the course to work on problems in an environment that fosters collaborative work and discussion. 
  • GPS are offered as an optional course resource, and though not mandatory, over 85% of the class enrolls in GPS each semester.
  • GPS sessions are scheduled for Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.
  • Each session is facilitated by trained undergraduate facilitators as well as by Dr. Charles Morton.


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Students work together in small groups to master concepts
in CHEM0330 "Equilibrium, Rate, and Structure."

"I felt so nervous towards the beginning of the semester and didn't feel like I understood anything and you completely turned that around! At this point, after all of the meetings and problem sessions, I feel pretty confident about my knowledge! It's funny, I got to a point today at the problem session where for once, I knew exactly what I was talking about and explained orbitals and diagrams to OTHER people!! You've been such a help, I don't think I would pass this course without you."
- GPS Student, Fall 2016




Collaborative Problem Solving

GPS take the form of small group problem solving whereby students work on problems cooperatively with the aid of facilitators. The problem sets are designed to reinforce the concepts covered in lecture and it has been found that students who participate in Group Problem Solving develop a deeper understanding of the material and tend to perform better on exams and in the class (they also have fun in the process).


Working together on thermodynamics taught in lecture with the
guidance of peer facilitators.

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Developing estimation skills with an 
interactive exercise.



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Discovering the fundamentals of atomic orbitals both visually and hands-on.