Past Events

Developing and Assessing COEX Courses Using Backward Design

, 720

Collaborative Research and Scholarly Experiences (COEX) curriculum designation at Brown is inspired by the course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE) framework. CUREs describe courses where students engage in a real research project in the context of a course and are known for providing undergraduates with an array of benefits while simultaneously producing broadly relevant, novel data. Being intentional about what research questions are asked and the aspects of research students engage in are critical to achieving these outcomes. In this workshop, we will identify what aspects of research align with student-specific outcomes. We will also discuss how engaging in particular aspects of research may limit the research questions that can be asked and the broad relevance of the data collected. By contemplating these questions and the existing literature on CUREs, participants will identify critical components of the CUREs they plan to teach and outcomes they hope to assess. Please register.

Teaching Problem Solving: See, Solve, Scale

, 720

Problem solving is an important skill in a college education; yet, it can be difficult to teach. This Sheridan Center roundtable features Professor Danny Warshay (Executive Director of The Nelson Center for Entrepreneurship) to discuss key strategies highlighted in his 2022 book, See, Solve, Scale. In this roundtable, Prof. Warshay describes tools that he has developed through his Brown course, “The Entrepreneurial Process,” as well as other ideas from his book, and then we allow time for discussion and Q&A. Pre-reading is not required. The roundtable will run from 11:00 - 11:50 AM; in-person participants are welcome to continue the conversation over lunch afterwards. This roundtable is open to all members of the Brown community; please register.

STEM Ed Fridays

, 720

Are you interested in discussing STEM education at Brown? STEM Ed Friday is a vibrant learning community where STEM instructors and staff members share ideas, experiences, and challenges related to STEM education.

In this session of STEM Ed Friday, Jo Hardin and Shahriar Shahriari (Pomona College) will discuss how the math & stats department at Pomona College slowly moved away from a deficit model (e.g., lack of preparation among students) to focusing on the experiences of all of the students in the department. We will discuss the successes and challenges of a few of our concrete cohort programs as well as the role of collaboration, community, and climate in expanding access to educational opportunities in the mathematical sciences. Please register.

Rubrics for Inclusive Rigor in Teaching and Admissions: Part 2

, 720

Well-crafted rubrics are effective tools to make both teaching and admissions more inclusive. The design process helps us make evaluation criteria explicit and intentionally include the full breadth of relevant criteria. In addition, there are a variety of ways to structure rubrics and rate assignments or applications to reflect different teaching values and perspectives. The Graduate School and the Sheridan Center are sponsoring this a 2-part series on rubrics with the Part 2 building on Part 1 to help faculty apply principles of teaching rubrics to support holistic review of graduate program applications. A faculty panel will share concrete examples from Brown graduate admissions committees. Please register.

STEM Ed Fridays

, 720

Are you interested in discussing STEM education at Brown? STEM Ed Friday is a vibrant learning community where STEM instructors and staff members share ideas, experiences, and challenges related to STEM education. Please register.

Rubrics for Inclusive Rigor in Teaching and Admissions: Part 1

, 720

Well-crafted rubrics are effective tools to make both teaching and admissions more inclusive. The design process helps us make evaluation criteria explicit and intentionally include the full breadth of relevant criteria. In addition, there are a variety of ways to structure rubrics and rate assignments or applications to reflect different teaching values and perspectives. The Graduate School and the Sheridan Center are sponsoring this a 2-part series on rubrics with this session (Part 1) focused on rubric design principles and variations in teaching contexts. Part 2 of the series meets at the same time on Tuesday, October 10th and builds on Part 1 to help faculty apply this understanding of rubrics to support holistic review of graduate program applications. Both sessions will include faculty panels sharing concrete examples from Brown courses and graduate admissions committees. Please register.

Fostering Student Mental Wellness: Mood Prep 101

, 720

The 2030 Boyer Report lists “Nurturing Mental Health and Well-Being” as a key step to fostering equity and excellence in higher education  ( How can instructors support student mental health, in light of other responsibilities? This Sheridan Center roundtable features a panel of Brown experts to offer guidance. First, Carol Landau, Clinical Professor Emerita of Psychiatry and Medicine, will speak about her new book, Mood Prep 101: A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Depression and Anxiety in College-Bound Teens. Bryant Ford, Director of Brown’s Counseling and Psychological Services, will also provide an overview of support options available to Brown students. The roundtable will conclude with discussion and Q&A. Lunch will be served at Noon in 720 SciLi for those who would like to continue the conversation. Participants may attend in person or on Zoom; please register.

Lesson Plan 101 - Virtual

Are you in charge of a recitation section as a UTA? Do you come up with your own lesson plans for tutoring? Are you interested in knowing how to create an effective lesson plan as a teacher? Then this workshop is for you! This workshop is for undergraduate students who teach in any capacity at Brown (e.g. UTAs, tutors, mentors, etc.) and want to learn more about how to create effective lesson plans for their role. Come prepared to design a lesson for an upcoming recitation, problem-solving session, office hours, etc. Registration is required.

Lesson Plan 101 - In person

, 720

Are you in charge of a recitation section as a UTA? Do you come up with your own lesson plans for tutoring? Are you interested in knowing how to create an effective lesson plan as a teacher? Then this workshop is for you! This workshop is for undergraduate students who teach in any capacity at Brown (e.g. UTAs, tutors, mentors, etc.) and want to learn more about how to create effective lesson plans for their role. Come prepared to design a lesson for an upcoming recitation, problem-solving session, office hours, etc. Registration is required.

STEM Ed Fridays

, 720

Are you interested in discussing STEM education at Brown? STEM Ed Friday is a vibrant learning community where STEM instructors and staff members share ideas, experiences, and challenges related to STEM education. Please register.

Faculty Writing Group

Faculty of any rank and any staff are invited to participate in a Faculty Writing Group. Writing groups can be an invaluable source of motivation and accountability, and the Faculty Writing Group is a “guilt-free” group that prioritizes spending time in community and goal-setting together. Each group meeting begins with a brief goal-setting exercise and concludes with a short reflective conversation. Writing projects can be any works in progress, and historically have ranged widely from articles to dissertations to letters of reference. Please register.

For New (and Newish) Faculty: Lunch Roundtable with Provost Doyle

New faculty in their first or second year are invited to lunch with Provost Frank Doyle. This will be an informal conversation over a lunch held in an indoors space. Space is limited; please register.

For New Faculty and Postdocs: Teaching at Brown for the First Time

, 720

In this hands-on, interactive workshop, Dr. Jenna Morton-Aiken (Sheridan Senior Associate Director For Writing And English Language Support) and Timberley Barber (Sheridan Associate Director, Learning Technologies) will review strategies for creating a motivating, inclusive, and accessible learning environment; provide an overview of Sheridan’s digital teaching resources; and demonstrate how to get support from the Center and other campus partners throughout the semester. This session is designed for faculty and postdocs who did not have the opportunity to attend the Launch New Faculty Teaching Orientation. In-person attendees are encouraged to bring a wifi-enabled device (phone or laptop) for interactive activities, and virtual attendees will be sent links during the session. Lunch will be provided to in-person attendees. Please register here.

Rubrics for Inclusive Rigor in Teaching and Admissions

, 720

Well-crafted rubrics are effective tools to make both teaching and admissions more inclusive. The design process helps us make evaluation criteria explicit and intentionally include the full breadth of relevant criteria. In addition, there are a variety of ways to structure rubrics and rate assignments or applications to reflect different teaching values and perspectives. The Graduate School and the Sheridan Center are sponsoring this mini-institute on rubrics with a morning session on Rubric Design Principles and Variations in Teaching and an afternoon session on Using Rubrics for Holistic Review of Graduate Program Applications. Both sessions will include faculty panels sharing concrete examples from Brown courses and graduate admissions committees. Lunch provided. Please register for this event.

Summer STEM Decolonizing Reading Group

Workshop: How to Use the Canvas Pre-College Template (In-person courses)

Do you have questions about importing and using the Canvas template for your in-person summer course? Join learning designers and technologists from Digital Learning and Design for an overview on how to use the Canvas template, and we will share tips for using Canvas as a supplement to your in-person course. We will also devote part of the session to Q & A where you will be able to hear from and share ideas with fellow instructors. Please register for zoom link.

Workshop: Canvas Discussions

Workshop: How to Grade in Canvas

Join Digital Learning and Design members for an overview on how to streamline grading, give feedback in Canvas and review some tips to facilitate the grading process. We will start with a brief introduction followed by a demonstration and finish the session with Q&A. Please register for the zoom link.

Before the session, we recommend reviewing the following guide on what to think about grading before designing your course in Canvas: 

Provost’s Teaching Innovation Speaker: Designing Better Assessments to Promote Student Engagement and Learning

New ways of theorizing learning compel us to rethink our approaches to teaching and assessment that build on students’ interests, identities, and prior experiences, particularly in this third year of the pandemic. In this interactive workshop, we will discuss frameworks for planning assessments, how they apply to our teaching, and work in small groups to generate ideas for new approaches to more authentic assessments that provide students with ample opportunities to show what they know. Please register for this event.

Erin Marie Furtak, PhD, is Professor of STEM Education at the University of Colorado at Boulder. A former high school science teacher, Erin transitioned into a career studying how science teachers learn and improve their daily classroom practices through formative assessment. In a series of multiple studies, Dr. Furtak has been partnering with teachers, schools, and districts to learn how teachers can design, enact, and take instructional action on the basis of classroom assessments that they design. Her recent publications have examined the ways in which the design and enactment of classroom assessments can promote more equitable participation in science learning. Dr. Furtak received the 2011 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) and the German Chancellor Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2006). Her research and professional writing has been published in multiple journal articles, research-and practitioner-oriented books, book chapters, humorous essays, and advice columns. She also conducts extensive service to the teaching profession through long-term research and professional development partnerships with school districts and organizations in Colorado and across the US.

Sheridan Center Undergraduate Open House

, 7th Floor

The Sheridan Center hosts a wide variety of paid student roles focused on supporting and cultivating a culture of intergenerational, interdisciplinary teaching and learning at Brown. We also offer learning opportunities for student staff through ongoing professional development around learning, pedagogy, diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Come by and learn about programs and student job opportunities at the Sheridan Center:

- Academic Tutors 
- Problem Solving Fellows 
- Digital Learning Assistants 
- Writing Fellows 
