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Prof. Guduru received Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Sri Venkateswara University, India, and Master's degree in Aerospace Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science. He earned his Ph.D. in Aeronautics (Minor: Materials Science) from California Institute of Technology in 2001 (with Prof. Ares Rosakis). Following graduation, he joined the Division of Engineering at Brown University as a postdoctoral research associate (with Prof. Ben Freund) and subsequently joined the Solid Mechanics faculty there as an Assistant Professor of Engineering in 2002. He was an Associate Professor of Engineering during 2008-14 and a Professor of Engineering since 2014. He held the James R. Rice chair during 2008-16. Prof. Guduru held visiting professor appointments in Mechanical Engineering at University of California, Berkeley during 2008-09 and at Stanford University during 2015-16.

Professor Guduru is the recipient of the James R. Rice medal of the Society of Engineering Science (2020), PECASE - Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers – in 2007 and the National Science Foundation CAREER award in 2006. He received the William F. Ballhaus prize for outstanding doctoral dissertation in Aeronautics (Caltech, 2001), the Ernest E. Sechler Memorial Award for the most significant contributions to teaching and research in Aeronautics (Caltech, 1998); Donald W. Douglas fellowship (Caltech, 1994); the Senate Commendation for academic excellence (Indian Institute of Science, 1994); and Jayant Dalal scholarship and Ivaturi prize for academic excellence (Sri Venkateswara University, 1992).

Prof. Guduru is a member of the Executive Committee of the Applied Mechanics Division of ASME. He serves on the Editorial Advisory Boards of the Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids and Acta Mechanica Sinica. Prof. Guduru served as the Chair of the Mechanics of Solids, Structures and Fluids Track at IMECE-2019 and the co-Chair of (i) the 50th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science (which was also the joint Annual Summer Conference of ASME-AMD) in 2013 and (ii) the Symposium on Mechanics of Materials across Nano to Geological Time and Length Scales. He also organized multiple workshops (NSF, ARO, DOE).

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