We are pleased to announce the nomination process for the Blavatnik Family Graduate Fellowship in Biology and Medicine for 2024-25.   This competitively awarded fellowship is merit-based and open to advanced doctoral students with high academic achievement in the Division of Biology and Medicine.  This is an exciting opportunity to recognize doctoral and MD/PhD students for outstanding academics and contributions to advancing the clinical and basic life sciences. The fellowship provides one year of stipend (Sept 1, 2024 to August 31, 2025), tuition, health insurance, health fees, and other expenses in addition to a $7,500 student research fund. Support for the Blavatnik Family Fellows has been generously provided by the Blavatnik Family Foundation.

Detailed eligibility and nomination criteria and instructions are provided below. Nominations are due via email to Associate Dean Beth Harrington by June 14, 2024.


Brown University Blavatnik Family Graduate Fellowship in Biology and Medicine

Nomination and Selection Process

Division of Biology and Medicine doctoral (PhD or MD/PhD) students who have advanced to candidacy, are active in the program, remain in good academic standing, and are mentored by a Brown faculty member.  Previous Blavatnik Family Fellow awardees may be nominated for an additional year of funding.

Selection Criteria
Blavatnik Family Fellows are selected on the basis of outstanding academic achievement and contribution to advancing the clinical and basic life sciences. Fellows will have demonstrated potential for producing original research that advances scientific and/or technical knowledge and understanding in the life sciences. Indicators of these criteria will include:

  1. Consistent record of sophisticated research experiences in which the nominee’s unique contributions are clearly identifiable, original, and potentially transformative.
  2. Engagement in successful scientific dissemination and discourse such as peer-reviewed publications and presentations at disciplinary relevant conferences.
  3. Academic awards, recognitions in the form of merit-based fellowships/scholarships, and leadership positions.
  4. Excellence in graduate level life science courses, with particular focus on advanced courses in the nominee’s sub-discipline.
  5. Demonstrated success communicating science to audiences within the disciplinary field and to the general public / students (via teaching assistantships and related roles).

Nomination Process
The Division of Biology and Medicine invites faculty to nominate outstanding eligible students for the Blavatnik Family Graduate Fellowship in Biology and Medicine. The following nomination materials will be submitted by email, as a single merged PDF, to Associate Dean Beth Harrington no later than June 14, 2024:

  1. Maximum 2-page letter of nomination specifically addressing all of the following:
    a.The context in which you know the nominee and date they advanced to candidacy.
    b. How the nominee meets each of the five specific selection criteria (above). Here, the selection committee will look for evidence over anecdotes.
    c. If the student had previously been supported by a Blavatnik Family Fellowship, describe the advances the support provided the student in their career progression
  2. Nominee’s up-to-date CV (any format).
  3. Nominee’s Brown transcript and other relevant transcripts showcasing graduate level course performance (informal copies suffice).

Selection Committee

Chair: Associate Dean Beth Harrington
Committee Members: Five faculty members from the Division of Biology and Medicine. 

Funding Considerations
The Blavatnik Family Fellowship will be awarded to students regardless of their funding status. The Fellowship will cover the current academic year stipend, tuition, health insurance, health fees, and other expenses. Each Fellow will have access to $7,500 in student research funds to support research endeavors. Funding can be used for, but is not limited to: research-related travel, supplies, and services. Use of funds will comply with University policies. Funds may not be used to pay additional salary or stipend to the Fellow, or for the purchase of routine equipment / software that is readily available to students in department / program laboratories and/ or research and core facilities. Purchase of computer equipment and /or accessories for expanded research needs are allowed. The research funds must be spent within two years, but no later than the completion of the terminal PhD degree. Unused funds will be relinquished by the awardee.

Post-Award Fellowship Responsibilities
Fellows will submit a final report to Associate Dean Harrington that describes research and academic activities, achievements and accomplishments during the fellowship, as well as a description of how research funds were used. Fellows will submit this report to [email protected] within six months from the end of the fellowship period and no later than the date that all degree requirements are completed. The report should be copied to the primary faculty mentor and the graduate program in which they are enrolled. The Office of Graduate Studies will maintain communication with the Blavatnik Family Fellow alumni for the purposes of sharing future achievements with the Blavatnik Family Foundation and upcoming Blavatnik Family Fellows.