Master of Science in Biotechnology (ScM)

The Master of Science (ScM) degree has a course work as well as a thesis requirement. Students must complete upper level courses, conduct research alongside a faculty mentor, prepare a written thesis, and present their work as a seminar for the final defense.

  • A minimum of 8 tuition units are required.
    • At least five of the required eight courses must be structured, advanced level courses in biology or the sciences.
    • Must receive a grade of B or better, courses must be taken for a grade rather than credit/no credit.
    • No more than three of the required eight courses are to be used for thesis research (Graduate Independent Study).
  • Program Director endorses the student’s proposed curriculum.
  • Must identify Brown faculty member willing to host student in lab.
  • Students do research for the duration of the time in the Program.
  • Student and faculty mentor select Thesis Committee.
  • Submit final thesis, present work as a seminar and pass final oral examination by Thesis Committee.

Students may choose from any of the courses below.

  1. Fall
    1. Advanced Biochemistry (BIOL 2270)
    2. Biology of the Eukaryotic Cell (BIOL 2050)
    3. Bioinformatics in the Discovery, Development and Use of Medicines (BIOL 2125)
    4. Biomaterials (BIOL 1120)
    5. Biomolecular Interactions: Health, Disease, & Drug Design (BIOL 1300)
    6. Biotechnology and Global Health (BIOL 1070)
    7. Biotechnology IP (BIOL 2089)
    8. Biotech Science and Industry (BIOL 2020)
    9. Blood Substitutes: Principles and Therapeutic Development (BIOL 2245)
    10. Cancer Biology (BIOL 1290)
    11. Developmental Biology (BIOL 2320)
    12. Drug and Gene Delivery (BIOL 2110)
    13. Innate Immunity (BIOL 1520)
    14. Molecular Mechanisms of Disease (BIOL 2860)
    15. Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology (BIOL 2170)
    16. Neurogenetics and Disease (BIOL 2320A)
    17. Physiological Pharmacology (BIOL 1260)
    18. Polymer Science (BIOL 1090)
    19. Principles of Exercise Physiology (BIOL 1160)
    20. Tissue Engineering (BIOL 1140)
    21. Topics in Signal Transduction (BIOL 1110)
    22. Biomaterials (ENGN 1490)
    23. Cardiovascular Engineering (ENGN 1520)
    24. Intro to MRI and Neuroimaging (ENGN 1930 N)
    25. Nanoengineering and Nanomedicine (ENGN 1510)
    26. Nanoscale Materials (CHEM 1700)
  2. Spring
    1. Analysis of Development (BIOL 2310)
    2. Animal Locomotion (BIOL1880)
    3. Biology of Aging (BIOL 2350)
    4. Biology of Emerging Microbial Diseases (BIOL 1550)
    5. Cell Physiology and Biophysics (BIOL 1100)
    6. Comparative Animal Physiology (BIOL 1180)
    7. Development of Vaccines to Infectious Disease (BIOL 1600)
    8. Environmental Health and Disease (BIOL 1820)
    9. In Vitro Models for Disease (BIOL 2167)
    10. Innovation and Commercialization in Medical Devices, Diagnostics, and Wearables (BIOL 2528)
    11. Management Strategies in Biotechnology (BIOL 2018)
    12. Molecular Targets of Drug Discovery (BIOL 2145)
    13. Molecular Genetics (BIOL 2540)
    14. Protein Biophysics and Structure (BIOL 1200)
    15. Stem Cell Engineering (BIOL 1150)
    16. Synaptic Transmission and Plasticity (BIOL 1190)
    17. Techniques in Pathobiology (BIOL 1870)
    18. Virology (BIOL 1560)
    19. Biosensors and Applied Microfluidics (ENGN 2910M)
    20. Cancer Nanotechnology (ENGN 2910S)
    21. Computer Aided Visualization and Design (ENGN 1740)
    22. Topics in Translational Research (ENGN 2910G)


Students pick a research mentor by the beginning of their first semester in the program and do research for the duration of their time in the program.  Students prepare a written thesis and present their work as a seminar for the final defense.