Past Events

Special Events

Migration Flows at the Mexican Borders: New Variations inside Old Patterns

Marie-Laure Coubès, Professor of Population Studies, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Tijuana

PSTC Colloquia

PAA Poster Session


Population Association of America Annual Meeting

Austin, Texas

Working Group in Anthropology and Population (WGAP)

Stroke and In/capacities: Personal Implications for Recovery When State Goals and Local Contexts Don't Match

Narelle Warren, Senior Lecturer in Anthropology and Sociology, Monash University, Melbourne

PSTC Colloquia

PAA Preview

Workshops and Professionalization

Immigrant Graduate Students and Professional Degree Holders

Kevin Escudero, Assistant Professor of American Studies and Ethnic Studies, Brown University

Special Events

The Privileged Poor

Anthony Jack, Assistant Professor of Education, Harvard University

Workshops and Professionalization

Research Poster Best Practices

Patrick Rashleigh, Data Visualization Coordinator at the Center for Digital Scholarship

PSTC Colloquia

Public Investments and Class Gaps in Parents' Expenditures

Margot Jackson, Associate Professor of Sociology, Brown University

Special Events

Children in U.S.-Mexico Migration: The 0.5 Generation

Silvia Elena Giorguli Saucedo, Professor of Demography and President, El Colegio de México

PSTC Colloquia

Childbearing as Choice

John Casterline, Professor of Sociology, Ohio State University

Spatial Structures in the Social Sciences (S4)

Exploring Application of Spatial Analysis in Urban and Public Policy Research

Adriano Borges Costa, Visiting Scholar, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

The Value and Spread of Information: Evidence from the Network of Mobile Phones in Rwanda

Daniel Björkegren, Assistant Professor of Economics, Brown University

Workshops and Professionalization

Entanglements: Transnational Families and Nation-States Across Five Continents

Gail Mummert, Visiting Scholar, PSTC

PSTC Colloquia

One Size Does Not Fit All: The Need to Identify and Understand the Subgroups of People with Obesity

Alison Field, Professor of Epidemiology, Brown University

PSTC Colloquia

Navigating Health Care: Brokerage and Access for Unauthorized Latino Immigrants under the 2010 Affordable Care Act

Laura López-Sanders, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Brown University

Working Group in Anthropology and Population (WGAP)

From Little Leaguers to Lowriders: The Space of Inclusive Blackness at a Black Town Rodeo Parade

Karla Slocum, Associate Professor of Anthropology, UNC

PSTC Colloquia

Unstable and Unpredictable Work Schedules: Effects on Wellbeing and What to Do About It

Daniel Schneider, Assistant Professor of Sociology, UC Berkeley

PSTC Colloquia

The New Genetics of Sexual Orientation: How Large-scale Genetic Data Can Help Us Understand Our Social World

Robbee Wedow, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

Workshops and Professionalization

The Hiring Prospects of Undocumented Latinos

Nicole Kreisberg, PSTC predoctoral trainee in sociology
