Eunah Jung

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Photo of Eunah Jung

Eunah’s research agenda broadly encompasses the evaluation of place-based urban policies and practices, using quantitative, geospatial analyses, and data science techniques. As a Postdoctoral Research Associate, Eunah has contributed to several research projects, exploring the historical and contemporary patterns of residential segregation; neighborhood changes; redlining; and vulnerabilities during the Spanish flu. Prior to her affiliation with the PSTC, Eunah obtained her PhD in City and Regional Planning from Cornell University. 

Selected Publications:

Jung, E. (2023). Green spaces for whom? A latent profile analysis of park-rich or-deprived neighborhoods in New York City. Landscape and Urban Planning237, 104806.

Jung, E. (2023). Does tax increment financing affect business survival and failure in Chicago, Illinois?. Journal of Urban Affairs, 1-17.

Jung, E., & Yoon, H. (2018). Is flood risk capitalized into real estate market value? A mahalanobis-metric matching approach to the housing market in Gyeonggi, South Korea. Sustainability10(11), 4008.

Jung, E., Choi, Y., & Yoon, H. (2016). The impact of the Gyeongui Line Park project on residential property values in Seoul, Korea. Habitat International58, 108-117.

Scholarly Interests

Placemaking, Public Space, Neighborhood Change, Urban and Spatial Inequality, Environmental Justice, Quantitative/Spatial Analytics, Data Science