Finding high-coverage configurations

(or: Constrained global optimization)

by Andrew Peterson

Often in catalysis, we can expect coverages of adsorbates under reactive conditions to be quite high. In practice, finding the stable configurations of coverages on a surface can be a combinatorical nightmare, as many degrees of freedom are present. Take the example of a simple 3x3 atom slab in the fcc (211) configuration. To exhaustively search for the lowest energy configuration of just two point adsorbates, we estimate that you would need to manually set up 230 individual calculations. Add in another adsorbate or a rotational degree of freedom, and it quickly becomes unmanageable. This led us to look for automated search methods. This page describes how we conduct such global-optimization searches. This is described here for high-coverage searches, but in principle can be used to look for low-energy structures in any constrained environment.

We like the minima hopping technique, as proposed by Goedecker; our implementation of this in ASE and the technical details of preserving molecular identity were described by me here. This method is nice because it uses standard atomistic tools --- molecular dynamics and local optimizations --- along with self-adjusting parameters to search for minima. The output of such a search is a list of local minima -- or low-energy atomic configurations.

Here, I describe how we automate this procedure to set up several minima hopping jobs in parallel, and direct the jobs to re-submit themselves until the they are finished. If you just want a quick example of the constrained minima hopping method, see the tutorial that I wrote for the ASE project.

Build the identity-preserved atoms

Minima hopping uses high-temperature molecular dynamics, and this can have the effect of breaking chemical bonds. For example, if you are looking for configurations of CO on a surface, you may find that it dissociates and you are instead getting configurations of C and O on the surface. Interesting, but not what is intended. To prevent this, we developed the Hookean constraint in ASE; this constraint applies a restorative force if any specified atom-atom distance exceeds a threshold value. (Note the way in which it does this is conceptually compatible with molecular dynamics: it does not reduce the number of degrees of freedom or violate the conservation of energy. Nor does it fix any bond lengths. Thus it plays well with the minima hopping technique.)

Here, we will look at an example of finding configurations of two COs on a Cu (110) surface. The code below builds the system as you normally would in ASE, but puts in a couple of constraints to preserve identity. We put this in a function to keep the code neat.

from ase import Atoms, Atom
from ase.lattice.surface import fcc110
from ase.constraints import FixAtoms, Hookean

def make_atoms():
    constraints = []
    atoms = fcc110('Cu', (3, 3, 3), vacuum=12.)
    # Build and add the CO adsorbates.
    for site in [22, 26]:
        ads = Atoms([Atom('C', (0., 0., 0.)),
                     Atom('O', (0., 0., 1.))])
        ads.translate(atoms[site].position + (0., 0., 1.))
        constraints.append(Hookean(a1=len(atoms) - 1,
                                   a2=len(atoms) - 2,
                                   k=10., rt=1.58))
        constraints.append(Hookean(a1=len(atoms) - 2,
                                   a2=(0., 0., 1.,
                                       -(atoms[site].z + 2.2)),
    constraints.append(FixAtoms(indices=[atom.index for atom in atoms
                                         if atom.symbol == 'Cu']))
    return atoms

if __name__ == '__main__':
    atoms = make_atoms()
    from ase.visualize import view

Save this as (or copy this code into your next script).

This will produce:


Some things to note:

Write an auto-restarting script

The minima hopping jobs need to run for a reasonably long time to adjust the parameters and explore the potential energy surface. This will be sped up somewhat by running several jobs in parallel, with all writing to the same minima file.

The below shows an example script.

from ase.optimize.minimahopping import MinimaHopping
from ase.calculators.jacapo import Jacapo
from pgroup.requeue import ReQueue
from build import make_atoms

atoms = make_atoms()
calc = Jacapo(...,

opt = MinimaHopping(atoms,

requeue = ReQueue(maxtime=24., checktime=0.5)

# Start the compute-intensive part of the job.
status = requeue(opt, maxtemp=4000.)

# See if it finished or if it timed out, requeue if timed out.
if status == 'time_elapsed':
    import os
    os.system('sbatch --begin=now+2minutes')

Save this as Some notes:

Submit in parallel

This part is simple -- just make a bunch of subdirectories of your working directory (e.g., called run0, run1, ...), copy and into each directory, and submit each The system should keep your job running (re-submitting) until it reaches the stopping criteria, which in this case is reaching a search temperature of 4000 K. That's it!

Note the way in which it requeues should be pretty friendly to other users. Since your job re-submits every 24 hours: if there are open computational resources it will use them, but because it will stop every 24 hours it will not block other users for more than a day.

Also, our script analyze_MH_runs can automate copying and submitting jobs, with analyze_MH_runs -c. It submits with the SLURM command sbatch, so if you use a different queuing system you will have to modify that line of the script.

(Optional) Run an analysis script

As long as we are automating our lives, we might as well have an automated analysis script. We have one available called analyze_MH_runs available from our group website. To run it, just use ./analyze_MH_runs. This should give you a text output of the status of each of the sub runs, including how many steps it has taken and its current search temperature, as in

$ ./analyze_MH_runs 
      Path          Steps     Accepted minima     Search temp (K)
      run0              5                   4                1652
      run1              4                   3                1652
      run2              4                   2                2000
      run3              4                   1                2420
      run4              4                   1                2420
      run5              3                   2                1818
       Sum             24                  13

This script will also create a PDF which has plots of the progress of each job, and a trajectory that contains all of the found minima sorted from lowest to highest.

If you'd rather build your own script, a couple of tips: