Events for September 2006-August 2007
Thursday, July 19th, 2007
Greene Farm Archaeology Project Film Screening
5:00 pm
Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, 70 Waterman Street
Wednesday, May 23
Neil A. Silberman (Ename Center for Public Archaeology and Heritage Presentation)
Rethinking the Concept of "Heritage": Some Perspectives from the European Union
10 a.m.-2 p.m., John Nicholas Brown Center, 357 Benefit Street
RSVP for lunch by May 17: 401-863-1177 or [email protected]
Co-Sponsored with the John Nicholas Brown Center Public Humanities Program
Wednesday, May 16th
Eleanor Power (Archaeology and the Ancient World Concentrator, Brown University)
Honors Thesis Presentation: "The Roman-Byzantine Bath Complex at the Petra Great Temple in Jordan"
4:00 pm, Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, 70 Waterman Street, Seminar Room
Monday, May 7th
Peter-Christian Jánosi (University of Vienna)
Past Excavations at Lisht-North and Recent Discoveries in the Archives of the Department of Egyptian Art of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
6:00 pm, Smith-Buonanno Hall, Room 106
Refreshments to follow
Co-sponsored with the Department of Egyptology & Ancient Western Asian Studies
Thursday, May 3rd
Entrenched: A graduate brown bag series
Omur Harmansah (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology)
Source of the Tigris, Origin of the World: Place and Performance in the Assyrian Landscapes of the Early Iron Age
12:00 pm, Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, 70 Waterman St.
Tuesday, April 24th
Entrenched: A graduate brown bag series
Erin Christensen (Ph.D. Candidate, Joukowsky Institute)
Roman Silver Picture Plate of the Imperial Period: 1-500 CE
12:00 pm, Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, 70 Waterman Street
Thursday, April 19th
Ann Gunter (Smithsonian Institution)
Tribute, Gifts, and Kingship in the Assyrian Empire
8:00 pm, Mencoff Hall (The Cabinet), 68 Waterman Street
Reception to follow at 70 Waterman Street
Tuesday, April 17th
Marian Feldman (University of California, Berkeley)
Art in Action: Luxury Arts and Interconnections in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages
5:30 pm, Mencoff Hall (The Cabinet), 68 Waterman Street
Reception to follow at 70 Waterman Street
Thursday, April 12th
John Baines (Oxford University)
How Did Different Social Groups Communicate with One Another in Ancient Egypt?
5:15 pm, Sidney Frank Life Sciences Building, 185 Meeting Street, Room 220
Wednesdsay, April 11th
Dissertation Defense:
Michael Zimmerman (Ph. D. Candidate, Joukowsky Institute, Brown University)
The Hellenistic and Roman Pottery of Field I (The Village) at 'Iraq-Al-Amir, Jordan: A Typology Study
4:00 pm, Joukowsky Institute, 70 Waterman Street
Tuesday, April 10th
Sarah Graff (University of Chicago)
Impressions on the Economy: Economic Interaction in Western Syria During the Early Bronze Age
8:00 pm, Mencoff Hall (The Cabinet), 68 Waterman Street
Reception to follow at 70 Waterman Street
Tuesday, April 10th
Entrenched: A graduate brown bag series
Gregg Gardner (Ph.D. Candidate, Princeton University)
Friday Night Lights: Oil Lamps from Byzantine Palestine
12:00 pm, Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, 70 Waterman Street
Thursday, April 5th
Archaeology Concentration Declaration Party!
Want to declare a concentration in Archaeology and the Ancient World? Come to a meeting, and we'll do the paperwork together! Professor Sue Alcock will be available to answer questions about concentration requirements, to advise about courses, and to sign whatever needs
Who: All potential concentrators in Archaeology and the Ancient World
When: 3:00-5:00 pm (drop-ins welcome!)
Where: Joukowsky Institute, 70 Waterman Street
Friday, April 6th
Omur Harmansah (Joukowsky Institute, Brown University)
Event Place Performance: The Making of the Urban Space in Early Iron Age Karkamish
5:30 pm, Mencoff Hall (The Cabinet), 68 Waterman Street
Reception to follow at 70 Waterman Street
Thursday, March 22nd
Clemens Reichel (Oriental Institute, University of Chicago)
Rocking the Cradle of Civilization--Early Cities in Northern Syria During the Chalcolithic Period (4,500 - 3000 B.C.)
5:30 pm, Mencoff Hall (The Cabinet), 68 Waterman Street
Reception to follow at 70 Waterman Street
Wednesday, March 21st
Tongobriga Excavation Information Session
Noon, List 210
More information on the excavation and how to participate at
Friday-Saturday, March 16th-17th
Re-Presenting the Past: Archaeology through Image and Text
Organizers: Sheila Bonde and Stephen Houston
Smith-Buonanno Auditorium (Room 106)
Friday, March 16, 7:00 pm:
David Macaulay: Toying with History
Saturday, March 17, 9:00-5:00:
Sheila Bonde (Brown University)
Larry Coben (University of Pennsylvania)
Barbara Fash (Peabody Museum, Harvard University)
Diane Favro (UCLA)
Stephen Houston (Brown University)
Agnes Hsu (Brown University)
Brad Johnson (Second Story)
Clark Maines (Wesleyan University)
Sam Smiles (Plymouth University)
Christopher Witmore (Brown University)
Conference Schedule
Speakers and Titles
View Conference Poster (pdf)
Tuesday, March 13th
Entrenched: A graduate brown bag series
Peri Johnson (Doctoral Candidate, University of Pennsylvania)
The Cook, the Chief, his Wife & Her Lover: Colonial Imagination of Paphlagonian Chiefdoms in the Achaemenid Empire
12:00 pm, Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, 70 Waterman Street
Tuesday, February 27th
Entrenched: A graduate brown bag series
Elissa Faro (Doctoral Candidate, University of Michigan)
Of Dung Beetles: Minoan Peak Sanctuaries and Extra-Urban Ritual Space
12:00 pm, Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, 70 Waterman Street
Tuesday, February 13th
Gil Stein (Oriental Institute, University of Chicago)
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? Social Identity, Mixed Marriages, and Foodways in an Ancient Mesopotamian Colony
5:30 pm, Mencoff Hall (The Cabinet), 68 Waterman Street
Reception to follow at Joukowsky Institute, 70 Waterman Street
Friday, February 9th
Reception to Welcome Professor James Allen
5:00 pm, Joukowsky Institute, 70 Waterman Street
Wednesday-Thursday, December 6th-7th
Michael Shanks (Stanford University)
Lecture: ‘Landscape, Archaeology, Chorography: Encounters in the Scottish Borders’
Wednesday, 5:00 pm
Mencoff Hall (The Cabinet), 68 Waterman Street
Reception to follow at 70 Waterman Street
Seminar: Archaeology and the Posthuman
Thursday, Noon
Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, 70 Waterman Street
Thursday, November 30th
Entrenched: A graduate brown bag series
Christine Reiser (Department of Anthropology, Brown University)
Engaged Stewardship: Identity, Heritage, and the Presence of the Past in Community-Based Archaeology in New England
12:00 pm, Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, 70 Waterman Street
Wednesday, November 29th
Fieldwork Information Session
Sponsored by the Archaeology Department Undergraduate Group
5:00 pm, Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, 70 Waterman Street
Monday, November 27th
The Vorotan Project. The Movie
Sponsored by the Classics Department Undergraduate Group and the Archaeology Department Undergraduate Group
5:30 pm, Mencoff Hall, 68 Waterman Street
Thursday, November 16th
Entrenched: A graduate brown bag series
Katherine Marino (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology)
Graeco-Egyptian Uterine Amulets: A Reinterpretation of Function Based on the Inscriptions
Sunday-Tuesday, November 12-14th
Conference: The Jerusalem Perspective: 150 Years of Archaeological Research
Thursday, November 9th
Geoffrey Summers (Middle East Technical University, Ankara)
A City Gate, Palatial Complex and Sculpted Icons at Kerkenes, an Iron
Age Capital in Central Turkey
7:30 pm, Mencoff Hall (The Cabinet), 68 Waterman Street
Thursday, November 2nd
Entrenched: A graduate brown bag series
Ian Straughn (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology)
Betwixt and Between: Place-making Against Spatial Production and the Landscapes of Muslim Societies
Saturday, October 28th
Colloquium: Underwater Archaeology around the Ocean State: RIHPHC, RWU, URI, and WHOI at Brown
1:00-5:00 pm. MacMillan Hall, Room 115
Followed by a reception at 70 Waterman Street
Thursday, October 26th
Entrenched: A graduate brown bag series
Michael Zimmerman (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology)
The Hellenistic & Roman Pottery from the 1961-62 Excavations at ‘Araq el-Emir: A Typological Study of Stratified Deposits from the Village Mound Excavations
Thursday, October 19th
Mark Leone (University of Maryland)
Archaeology Led By Frederick Douglass and the Lloyd Family
12:00 pm; John Nicholas Brown Center (Nightingale-Brown House, 357 Benefit Street)
Co-sponsored by the John Nicholas Brown Center for the Study of American Civilization
Thursday, October 5th
Entrenched: A graduate brown bag series
Christopher Witmore (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology)
A Past No Longer Past
Tuesday, October 3rd
Michael Fulford (University of Reading, UK)
Characterizing the Urban Experience in Roman Britain: the case study of Calleva Atrebatum
5:00 pm; Mencoff Hall (The Cabinet), 68 Waterman Street
Friday, September 15th
Open House
5:00 pm, Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, 70 Waterman Street