
The Plant Environmental Center at Brown University is located atop the IBES building at 85 Waterman Street.

The facility is comprised of six computer controlled research greenhouses totaling approximately 5,000 square feet. These greenhouses are used for research experiments, as well as to house various plant collections used to support biological science classes. In addition, this rooftop space includes an 1800 square foot conservatory open year around. The collection in the conservatory includes many plant families, including a diverse collection of Cycads, Orchids, Aroids, and many plants from the Amazon region. Many of these plants have medicinal and ceremonial uses and are part of our Ethnobotanical collection.

The greenhouse facility also consists of a head house, classroom, and plant growth chamber laboratory. The plant growth laboratory consists of eight E7/2 Conviron plant growth chamber units, as well as two eighty square foot walk-in chambers and one eighty square foot cold room. These units are primarily used by graduate students and faculty performing research with very specific cultural requirements that cannot be maintained in the greenhouses.


Visiting the Conservatory

Address: 85 Waterman Street Providence, RI 02912

The Conservatory is open to the public Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM. Hours may be subject to change without notice, please call the greenhouse to confirm (401-863-3077). Special circumstances not withstanding. School groups and garden club tours must be arranged in advance. Artists, gardeners, tinkerers, dreamers, readers, thinkers, and general plant lovers are encouraged to visit.




Nicholas Vasques, Research Greenhouse Manager, 401-863-3077
[email protected]

Donation Request:

To request donations of live plants, please visit this link: Plant Environmental Center Plant Donation Request