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Brown Neurology is committed to promoting diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) within our department and our larger Rhode Island community.



  • Diversity Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP): An executive committee that develops, executes and tracks the Diversity Inclusion Action Plan for Brown Neurology. This committee meets quarterly includes representatives from Faculty, Staff and Residency.

  • Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Anti-racism and Social Justice Committee (IDEAS): A resident-led workgroup. This subcommittee meets quarterly and is supported by faculty mentors, including program directors and DEI Officer. 



  • To recruit, support and promote housestaff, faculty and administration in order to create and maintain a diverse clinical, research and educational community.

  • To improve resident/fellowship curricula and faculty programming that addresses diversity and inclusion as well as race in medicine.

  • To promote diversity and inclusion in research and medical education. 

  • To develop and define community-based partnerships, research, and outreach initiatives

  • To assess and monitor demographic trends and assess department’s culture/climate with regards to diversity and inclusion.

  • To maintain accountability in all DEI goals.


  • Grand Rounds on DEI Topics with a focus on highlighting diverse perspectives.

    • Roy Hamilton (9/22/2021): "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Neurology: Where are they Missing, Why they Matter and How We Achieve Them?"

    • Ralph Sacco (12/1/2021- 8th Annual J. Donald Easton, MD Visiting Lectureship): "Stroke Disparities: Transforming Data into Actions"

    • Hedy Wald (1/5/2022):  "Holocaust & Medicine Education for Resilient Professional Identity Formation"

    • Simone Thavaseelan, MD & Carla C. Moreira, MD (6/29/22): "Responding to Microaggression in the Clinical Environment: Professional Development"

    • Matthew Siket, MD, MSc (11/16/2022; Emergency Medicine/Neurology Grand Rounds): “The Rhode North: Lessons Learned in Stroke Translated to a Rural System”

    • Mohona Reza, MD (2/1/2023): "Diverse Populations in Multiple Sclerosis: Understanding This Disease in the US Minority Population"

    • Cody Sanders, MD (4/5/2023): "Rural Health Disparities Including Access to Neurological Care in the US" 

    • Eva Feldman, MD, PhD (4/19/2023 - Aronson Lectureship): "Pollution, Prevalence, and Prevention: The three "Ps" of ALS" 

    • William G. Pearson, Jr., Ph.D (6/7/2023): “A Flourishing Approach to Physician Formation in GME”

    • Dominique Mortel, MD (6/14/2023): Neurologic Care in Zambia

    • Richard Benson, MD, PhD (6/21/23): “The NINDS Plans for Advancing Health Equity”

    • Farrah J. Mateen, MD, PhD (11/1/2023): Global Neurology: From Penny Pinching to Multi-Billion Dollar Initiatives’ "

    • Nicte Itzel Mejia Gonzalez, MD, MPH (1/17/2024): "Advancing Equity and Justice in Neurology"

    • Sasha Alick-Lindstrom, MD (2/20/2024): "Analysis of Race and Gender in Academic Neurology Faculty"

    • Alison Christy, MD (9/18/2024): "The History of Disability and Advocacy in Neurology"

    • Elizabeth Perelstein, MD (1/15/2025): "Deaf Patients in a Hearing system: Considerations for an Underserved Population"

  • Policy Reviews: Holistic Review for Trainee and Faculty Recruitment

  • Diversity Dialogues: Social gatherings to promote celebration of diverse backgrounds and dialogue within the department and within the residency

  • Clinica Esperanza monthly neurology clinic

  • Anti-racism, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Training for Faculty and Trainees 

    • JEDI (Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusion): 7 series interactive zoom didactics for Faculty 

    • AAN Anti-Racism Education Program: Pilot Program for Residents with online AAN modules and in-person discussion 

    • Theater for Health Care Equity: Improvisational Theater based workshop that addresses interaction between patients, providers, and staff, enabling providers to confront bias while cultivating empathy and practicing effective communication.

  • Ongoing research projects related to health disparities and inequities. 

  • Community-Based Partnerships within Rhode Island 
    • Brown Neuroscience Pathways Programs 
      • Translational Neuroscience Outreach Program (TNOP): 4 week program geared for high school students as an introduction to science communication, experimental science and career development
      • Research and Clinical Experiences in Neurology, Neurosurgery and Neurosciences (R-CEIN):  A summer program for undergraduate students from marginalized groups to gain clinical experiences in inpatient, outpatient and operating rooms; research experiences within basic, translational and/or clinical research; networking opportunities with clinical and research mentors as well as career development workshops.
      • Neuroscience Track within Leadership Alliance
    • AAN on and off the Hill 


For information on Neurology DEI efforts: Contact Dr. Neishay Ayub at [email protected] 


Resources Available at Brown University: 

Diversity & Multicultural Affairs

Brown Advocates for Social Change and Equity (BASCE) 

Mentoring and Education Diverse Students and Trainees to Excel as Physicians (MEDSTEP)

Brown Minority Housestaff Association (BMHA)