Brown Neurology is committed to promoting diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) within our department and our larger Rhode Island community.
Diversity Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP): An executive committee that develops, executes and tracks the Diversity Inclusion Action Plan for Brown Neurology. This committee meets quarterly includes representatives from Faculty, Staff and Residency.
Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Anti-racism and Social Justice Committee (IDEAS): A resident-led workgroup. This subcommittee meets quarterly and is supported by faculty mentors, including program directors and DEI Officer.
To recruit, support and promote housestaff, faculty and administration in order to create and maintain a diverse clinical, research and educational community.
To improve resident/fellowship curricula and faculty programming that addresses diversity and inclusion as well as race in medicine.
To promote diversity and inclusion in research and medical education.
To develop and define community-based partnerships, research, and outreach initiatives
To assess and monitor demographic trends and assess department’s culture/climate with regards to diversity and inclusion.
To maintain accountability in all DEI goals.
Grand Rounds on DEI Topics with a focus on highlighting diverse perspectives.
Roy Hamilton (9/22/2021): "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Neurology: Where are they Missing, Why they Matter and How We Achieve Them?"
Ralph Sacco (12/1/2021- 8th Annual J. Donald Easton, MD Visiting Lectureship): "Stroke Disparities: Transforming Data into Actions"
Hedy Wald (1/5/2022): "Holocaust & Medicine Education for Resilient Professional Identity Formation"
Simone Thavaseelan, MD & Carla C. Moreira, MD (6/29/22): "Responding to Microaggression in the Clinical Environment: Professional Development"
Matthew Siket, MD, MSc (11/16/2022; Emergency Medicine/Neurology Grand Rounds): “The Rhode North: Lessons Learned in Stroke Translated to a Rural System”
Mohona Reza, MD (2/1/2023): "Diverse Populations in Multiple Sclerosis: Understanding This Disease in the US Minority Population"
Cody Sanders, MD (4/5/2023): "Rural Health Disparities Including Access to Neurological Care in the US"
Eva Feldman, MD, PhD (4/19/2023 - Aronson Lectureship): "Pollution, Prevalence, and Prevention: The three "Ps" of ALS"
William G. Pearson, Jr., Ph.D (6/7/2023): “A Flourishing Approach to Physician Formation in GME”
Dominique Mortel, MD (6/14/2023): Neurologic Care in Zambia
Richard Benson, MD, PhD (6/21/23): “The NINDS Plans for Advancing Health Equity”
Farrah J. Mateen, MD, PhD (11/1/2023): Global Neurology: From Penny Pinching to Multi-Billion Dollar Initiatives’ "
Nicte Itzel Mejia Gonzalez, MD, MPH (1/17/2024): "Advancing Equity and Justice in Neurology"
Sasha Alick-Lindstrom, MD (2/20/2024): "Analysis of Race and Gender in Academic Neurology Faculty"
Alison Christy, MD (9/18/2024): "The History of Disability and Advocacy in Neurology"
Elizabeth Perelstein, MD (1/15/2025): "Deaf Patients in a Hearing system: Considerations for an Underserved Population"
Policy Reviews: Holistic Review for Trainee and Faculty Recruitment
Diversity Dialogues: Social gatherings to promote celebration of diverse backgrounds and dialogue within the department and within the residency
Clinica Esperanza monthly neurology clinic
Interested Faculty and Trainees: Contact Dr. Tina Burton at [email protected]
Anti-racism, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Training for Faculty and Trainees
JEDI (Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusion): 7 series interactive zoom didactics for Faculty
AAN Anti-Racism Education Program: Pilot Program for Residents with online AAN modules and in-person discussion
Theater for Health Care Equity: Improvisational Theater based workshop that addresses interaction between patients, providers, and staff, enabling providers to confront bias while cultivating empathy and practicing effective communication.
Ongoing research projects related to health disparities and inequities.
- Community-Based Partnerships within Rhode Island
- Brown Neuroscience Pathways Programs
- Translational Neuroscience Outreach Program (TNOP): 4 week program geared for high school students as an introduction to science communication, experimental science and career development
- Research and Clinical Experiences in Neurology, Neurosurgery and Neurosciences (R-CEIN): A summer program for undergraduate students from marginalized groups to gain clinical experiences in inpatient, outpatient and operating rooms; research experiences within basic, translational and/or clinical research; networking opportunities with clinical and research mentors as well as career development workshops.
- Neuroscience Track within Leadership Alliance
- AAN on and off the Hill
- Brown Neuroscience Pathways Programs
For information on Neurology DEI efforts: Contact Dr. Neishay Ayub at [email protected]
Resources Available at Brown University:
Diversity & Multicultural Affairs
Brown Advocates for Social Change and Equity (BASCE)
Mentoring and Education Diverse Students and Trainees to Excel as Physicians (MEDSTEP)
Brown Minority Housestaff Association (BMHA)