News Archive from November, 2023

Michael Kennedy Publishes The Society Pages Op-Ed

Congratulations to Michael Kennedy for his recently published op-ed piece,"Public Sociology’s Expression: From Reagan to Trump, from the USA to Global Social Change" in The Society Pages.

Nicole Gonzalez Van Cleve at Mumia Abu-Jamal Conference & Research, and Trending Globally

Congratulations to Nicole Gonzalez Van Cleve for her leadership and participation in the Mumia Abu-Jamal Conference and Research.

Her work is featured in TODAY@Brown with the podcast "Archiving the ‘Voices of Mass Incarceration’ at Brown’s John Hay Library" on Trending Globally: Politics and Policy at The Watson Institute.

Jennifer Candipan Receives Russell Sage Foundation Presidential Grant

Congratulations to Jennifer Candipan for being a recipient of a Russell Sage Foundation Presidential Grant (“Widening Disparities in Changing Places: The Relationship between Changing Racial Demographics of Neighborhoods and Racial Disparities in School Discipline”).

David Lindstrom Receives R01 Recearch Award from National Institutes of Health

Congratulations to David Lindstrom as the Co-investigator (with Silvia Giorguli) of an R01 research award from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for the Mesoamerican Migration Project (MMP) to collect public use survey data on migration to the United States in 36 communities in Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras over a five year period.

Sandra Barnes Publishes Book

Congratulations to Sandra Barnes for her newly published book, From Jesus to J-Setting: Religious and Sexual Fluidity among Young Black People (University of Georgia Press, September 2023).

Emily Rauscher Receives Russel Sage Foundation Grant

Congratulations to Emily Rauscher for being a recipient of a Russell Sage Foundation Grant (“Hidden Money: School-Supporting Non-Profit Funds and Rising Inequality”).