"You Must Remember This"
Spectacular gallery show of language-driven digital art
Opens 7:30pm, Thursday June 3rd
ELO_AI Gallery
232 Westminster [map]
Providence RI
reRead: an installation by Simon Biggs
in McCormack Family Theater
70 Brown St [map]
Entrance in Fones Alley (around the left side of the building)
"reRead" will be running during the conference until at least Sunday midday. We will do our best to give access during gallery hours, especially over the lunch periods, Friday and Saturday, which would be a good time to visit. Check at registration for other arrangements.
The piece is best experienced alone or in very small groups.
Attempting Ziggurats 4 (2010) by Ed Osborn
List Art Building Room 221
Attempting Ziggurats 4 is five-channel sound installation based on a story by John Barth entitled 'Glossolalia,' which is made up of a set of oblique and somewhat desperate words that have a familiar ring to them. As each section of the spoken text of the story unfolds, underlying sounds of social activities are gradually folded into its rhythm.
The piece will be running daily during the conference, and is easily visited during breaks between conference sessions in the List Building.