Glenn Cartman Loury
Department of
Box B, 64 Waterman Street
Providence, RI 02912
ph: 401-863-2606; email:
[email protected]
B.A., Mathematics, Northwestern University, l972
Ph.D., Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, l976
Thesis: “Essays in the Theory of the Distribution of Income”
Boston University, Professor of Economics 1991-2005; University Professor 1994-2005; Founder and Director of the Institute on Race and Social Division, 1997-2003
Harvard University, Professor of Political Economy, John F. Kennedy School of Government, 1984-91, Professor of Economics and of Afro-American Studies, l982-84
University of Michigan, Professor of Economics, l980-82, Associate Professor of Economics, l979-80
Northwestern University, Assistant Professor of Economics, l976-79
I. Research:
"Relations before Transactions: Forty Years of Thinking about Persisting Racial Inequality in the United States." Chp. 6 in Difference without Domination, Danielle Allen and Rohini Somanathan (eds.) Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press (2020)
"To Be or Not to Be: Stereotypes, Identity Choice and Group Inequality," (with Young-Chul Kim), Journal of Public Economics, Volume 174, June 2019, Pages 36-52
“Rebranding Ex-Cons” (with Young-Chul Kim), Journal of Public Economic Theory: 2017, 1-11
“Collective Reputations and the Dynamics of Statistical Discrimination,” (with Young-Chul Kim), International Economic Review, Vol. 59, No. 1 (February 2018)
“Widening Gap in College Admission and Improving Equal Opportunity in South Korea” (with Young Chul Kim and Young Joon Kim) Global Economic Review, June 2014
"Group Inequality,”Journal of the European Economics Association, 12:1, 129-152 (Feb. 2014, with Samuel Bowles and Rajiv Sethi)
“Detention, Democracy and Inequality in a Divided Society,” Annals, American Association of Political and Social Science, 651 (Jan. 2014) pp. 178-182
"Valuing Diversity,” Journal of Political Economy, vol. 121:4 (August 2013) (with Roland Fryer)
“Obama Is No King: The Fracturing of the Black Prophetic Tradition,” a chapter in The New Black: What Has Changed – and What Has Not – with Race in America, Guy Charles and Kenneth Mack (eds.), forthcoming from The New Press, 2013.
"Social Externalities, Overlap and the Poverty Trap,” accepted for publication subject to minor revisions, Journal of Economic Inequality (with Young Chul Kim)
"Stereotypes and Inequality: A 'Signaling' Theory of Identity Choice," KDI Journal of Economic Policy, Vol. 34, No. 2, 2012 (with Young Chul Kim)
The Challenge of Mass Incarceration (co-editor), American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Daedalus Special Issue (co-edited volume with Bruce Western) Summer 2010
Co-author of the “Introduction”
“Crime, Inequality and Social Justice” (closing essay of special issue)
“Democracy and the Choosing of Elites,” in The Next Twenty-Five Years (Paul Courant, David Featherman and James Levinsohn, eds.) University of Michigan Press in 2009
Race, Incarceration and American Values: The Tanner Lectures, M.I.T. Press 2008
"Color-Blind Affirmative Action,” Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, (with Roland Fryer and Tolga Yuret), 2008
“Relations Before Transactions: A New Paradigm for Racial Discrimination Theory,” Georgia State University Law Review 23 (3): 585-615 (Spring 2007)
“Trans-Generational Justice:
Compensatory vs. Interpretative Approaches," in Reparations,
Jon Miller (ed.), Oxford University Press (2006)
“Racial Stigma: Toward a New Paradigm for Discrimination Theory,” Chp. 27 in Understanding Poverty, A. Banerjee, R. Benabou and D. Mookherjee (eds.), Oxford University Press
(Fall 2005)
Action and Its Mythology” (with Roland Fryer), Journal of Economic Perspectives,
(Summer 2005)
“The Anatomy of Racial Inequality:
The Author’s Account,” The Review of Black Political Economy, 32 (2): 75-89 (Summer 2005)
Action in Winner-Take-All Markets,” (with Roland Fryer) Journal of Economic Inequality (Fall 2005)
“’Dysfunctional Identities’ Can
Be Rational,” (with Hanming Fang) American Economic Review Proceedings, 95(2):104-111 (May 2005)
“Toward an Economic Theory of Dysfunctional
Identity” (with Hanming Fang), Chp. 2 in Chris Barrett (ed.), The
Social Economics of Poverty: On Identity, Communities, Groups and Networks,
Routledge (Spring 2005)
Ethnicity, Social Mobility and Public Policy (co-editor with Tariq Modood and Steven Teles), Cambridge University Press (Spring 2005)
“Race, Inequality and Justice in the United States: Some Social-Philosophic Reflections,” Chp. 20 in Loury, Teles and Modood (eds.), Ethnicity, Social Mobility and Public Policy Cambridge University Press. (2005).
of Ability and Earnings in a Hierarchical Job Assignment Model,” Journal
of Political Economy, 112(6):1322-64 (with Robert Costrell). (December 2004)
“The Anatomy of Racial Inequality: A Clarification,” in Race, Liberalism and Economics, David Colander, Robert Prasch and Falguni Sheth (editors), pp. 238-255, University of Michigan Press (2004)
“Racial Justice: The Superficial Morality of Colour-Blindness in the United States.” Identity, Conflict and Cohesion Programme Paper, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Geneva, Switzerland (Spring 2004)
“Relations before Transactions,” first Moffett ’29 Lecture on Ethics, University Center for Human Values, Princeton University, November 6, 2003
“What Price Diversity?” second Moffett ’29 Lecture on Ethics, University Center for Human Values, Princeton University, Nov. 7, 2003
“Racial Stigma: Towards a New Paradigm for Discrimination Theory,” American Economic Review Proceedings, 93(2):334-37, May 2003
“Passing Strict Scrutiny: Using Social Science to Design Affirmative Action Programs,” (with Clark Cunningham and John Skrentny), Georgetown Law Journal, 90:4 (April 2002), pp 835-882
The Anatomy of Racial Inequality (The W.E.B. DuBois Lectures at Harvard University), Harvard University Press, 2002
“Social Exclusion and Ethnic Groups: The Challenge to Economics,” The Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 1999, Boris Pleskovic and Joseph E. Stiglitz (eds.), The World Bank, Washington, D.C., 2000, pp. 225-54
“Conceptual Problems in the Enforcement of Anti-Discrimination Laws,” Meritocracy and Economic Inequality, Kenneth Arrow, Samuel Bowles, and Steven Durlauf (eds.), Princeton University Press, 2000, pp. 296-316.
“Integrating the Historically Disadvantaged into the World of Work,” in The Right to Work: Towards Full Employment, M. Archer and E. Malinvaud (eds.), Pontificiae Academiae Scientiarum Socialium Acta (Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences), Vatican City, 1998, pp. 189-261
“Discrimination in the Post-Civil Rights Era: Beyond Market Interactions,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 1998, 12 (2), 117-126
“Human Intelligence and Social Inequality,” in Is There a Human Nature?, Lee Rouner (ed.), University of Notre Dame Press (1998), 113-129.
“The Divided Society and the Democratic Idea,” University Lecture, Boston University, 1996.
One by One, From the Inside Out: Essays and Reviews on Race and Responsibility in America, The Free Press 1995 (collected writings, 1985-1994)
“Self-Censorship in Public Discourse: A Theory of 'Political Correctness' and Related Phenomena,” Rationality and Society, Oct. 1994, pp. 428-461.
“Rotating Savings and Credit Associations, Credit Markets and Economic Efficiency,” The Review of Economic Studies, October 1994 , pp. 701-19 (with Steven Coate and Timothy Besley).
“Will Affirmative Action Policies Eliminate Negative Stereotypes,” American Economic Review, December 1993, pp. 1220-40 (with Steven Coate).
“The Economics of Rotating Savings and Credit Associations,” American Economic Review, September 1993, pp.792-810 (with Steven Coate and Timothy Besley).
“Anti-Discrimination Enforcement and the Problem of Patronization,” American Economic Review, May 1993 (with Steven Coate), pp. 92-98.
“The Incentive Effects of Affirmative Action,” Annals of the Amer. Assoc. of Political and Social Science, No. 523, (September, 1992), pp. 19-29.
“Tacit Collusion in a Dynamic Duopoly with Indivisible Production and Cumulative Capacity Constraints,” WP#557, Dept. Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (June 1990)
“Affirmative Action: Is It Just? Does It Work?” in The Constitutional Bases of Political and Social Change in the United States, Shlomo Slonim (ed), Praeger (l990), pp. 109-139.
“To Tell the Truth? Self-Censorship and Public Discourse with Particular Reference to the Problem of Political Discourse among African-Americans,” paper presented at Annual Meetings of the National Economics Assn., Chicago, Ill. (December 1987)
“Why Should We Care About Group Inequality?”, Social Philosophy and Policy, Vol. 5, No.l; Autumn 1987, pp. 249-271. [Reprinted in The Question of Discrimination, Steven Shulman and William Darity (eds.), Wesleyan University Press (l989), Chp. 9, pp. 268-290. Also reprinted in Philosophical Problems of Equality, The Open University Press (1993)].
From Children to Citizens: Vol. 3, Families, Schools and Delinquency Prevention (edited vol.), Springer-Verlag, l987 (with James Q. Wilson).
“The Family as Context for Delinquency Prevention: Demographic Trends and Political Realities,” in G.C. Loury and J.Q. Wilson (eds.), From Children to Citizens: Families, Schools, and Delinquency Prevention, Springer-Verlag, l987, pp. 3-26.
“Race and Poverty: The Problem of Dependency in a Pluralistic Society,” paper prepared for the Working Seminar on the Family and American Welfare Policy, American Enterprise Institute, Washington D.C., November 1986
“Public and Private Responsibilities in the Struggle Against Poverty,” in W. Knowlton and R. Zeckhauser (eds.), American Society, Public and Private Responsibilities, Ballinger, l986, pp. l8l-202.
“On the Profitability of Interruptible Supply” (with Tracy Lewis), American Economic Review, vol. 76, No.4, September l986, 827-832.
“The Limitation of Pigouvian Taxes as a Long Run Remedy for Externalities: An Extension of Results” (with Dennis Carlton), Quarterly Journal of Economics, No. 406, August l986, pp. 631-634.
“The Effect of Attitudes and Aspirations on the Labor Supply of Young Men” (with Linda Datcher-Loury), in R. Freeman and Harry Holzer (eds.), The Black Youth Unemployment Crisis, University of Chicago Press, l986, pp. 377-401.
“A Theory of 'Oil'igopoly: Cournot Equilibrium in Exhaustible Resource Markets,” International Economic Review, June l986, pp. 285-301.
“The Black Family: A Critical Challenge,” The Journal of Family and Culture, Vol. 2, No. l, January l986, pp. 1-15.
“Embargo Threats and the Management of Emergency Reserves” (with C. Bergstrom and M. Perrson), Journal of Political Economy, Feb l985, pp. 26-42.
“Efficiency and Equity Impacts of Natural Gas Deregulation,” Chapter 13 of Public Expenditure and Policy Analysis, R. Haveman, J. Margolis (eds.), Third Edition, Houghton Mifflin Co., l983, pp. 301-323.
“The Welfare Effects of Intermittent Interruptions of Trade,” American Economic Review, May l983. pp. 272-277.
“Urban Unemployment and National Policy” (with G. Jaynes), in Families and Change: Social Needs and Public Policy, R. Genovese (ed.), J.S. Bergin Co., l983.
“Economics, Politics and Blacks,” Review of Black Political Economy, Vol. 12, No. 3, Spring l983, pp. 43-54.
“Urban Unemployment” (with G. Jaynes), Chapter 4 in Urban Policy Issues, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, l982.
An Analysis of the Efficiency and Inflationary Consequences of the Decontrol of Natural Gas Prices. Natural Gas Supply Association, Washington, DC, l98l.
“The Impact of Minimum Wage Laws on the Distribution of Income Between Blacks and Whites” (with Linda Datcher-Loury), in Report of the Minimum Wage Study Commission. U.S. GPO, Vol. VII, l98l.
“Intergenerational Transfers and the Distribution of Earnings,” Econometrica, Vol. 49, No.4, July l981, 843-867.
“Is Equal Opportunity Enough?”, The American Economic Review, Vol. 71, No. 2, Papers and Proceedings of the Ninety-Third Annual Meeting of the American
Economic Association (May, 1981), pp. 122-126
“The Limitation of Pigouvian Taxation as a Long Run Remedy for Externalities,” (with Dennis Carlton) Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 95, No 3, November l980, pp. 559-566. [reprinted in Welfare Economics, William J. Baumol and Charles Wilson (eds.), 2000.]
“In Defense of Public Policy Aimed at Reducing Racial Economic Disparity,” (with Jerome Culp) Rev. Black Political Economy, Summer 1980.
“Impact of Affirmative Action on Equal Opportunity: A New Look” (with J. Culp), in Proceedings of Conference on Impact of the Bakke Decision on Higher Education, The Rockefeller Foundation, l980.
“The Optimal Exploitation of an Unknown Reserve,” Review of Economic Studies, October l979, pp. 621-636.
"Market Structure and Innovation," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1979.
"The Minimum Border Length Hypothesis Does Not Explain the Shape of Black Ghettos," Journal of Urban Economics, 1978.
“A Dynamic Theory of Racial Income Differences,” Chp. 8, P. Wallace (ed), Women, Minorities and Employment Discrimination, Lexington Books, l977, pp. 153-186.
II. Recent Essays and Commentaries (2000-):
"Why are Democrats defending Al Sharpton," New York Times, July 31, 2019
"My Tribute to Thomas C. Schelling" published at VOX CEPR Policy Portal, January 2017
"FERGUSON Won't" Boston Review January 2015
"Detention, Democracy and Inequality in a Divided Society," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, Volume 651 Issue 1, January 2014, p. 178-182
"Prison's Dilemma," Washington Monthly Magazine, January/February 2013
"Reflections on an Intellectual Partner: My life with Linda Datcher Loury," Review of Black Political Economy 39 (2), June 2012, pp. 223-226
"Much to Answer For: James Q. Wilson's Legacy," Boston Review, May/June 2012. (Selected As one of the 10 best articles published in the magazine in 2012.)
"The Responsibilities of Intellectuals in the Age of Hyper-Incarceration,” (essay to appear as chapter in conference volume forthcoming from Yale Univ. Press)
"Comments at Sentencing Symposium," SUNY Albany, September 2010
"Why We Didn’t Overcome” (Review of Freedom Is Not Enough by James T. Patterson), First Things, August 1, 2010
"Obama, Gates and the American Black Man,” The New York Times, July 26, 2009
"The Call of the Tribe,” Boston Review (November/December 2008)
"Why Are So Many Americans in Prison?” Boston Review (July/August 2007)
"Black Holes," The Boston Globe, (review of Juan Williams: "Enough: The Phony Leaders, Dead-End Movements and Culture of Failure that are Undermining Black America, and What We Can Do About It," Sep.10, 2006))
“Not by Bread Alone,” in James Henderson and John Pisciotta (eds.), The Outrageous Idea of a Christian
Economist: Researcher, Advocate, Philosopher, Baylor University Press,
“The Anatomy of Racial Inequality:
The Author’s Account,” forthcoming in The
Review of Black Political Economy (spring 2005) [summarizing the argument
of my 2002 book]
“The Spiritual Dimension of Societal Life,” in E.J. Dionne Jr., Jean
Bethke Elshtain and Kayla M. Drogosz (eds.) One
Electorate Under God?, Brookings Institution Press. 2004, pp. 140-43.
“Right and wrong, not black or
white,” Financial Times, Mar 20, 2004
[Weekend Magazine Books Essay, reviewing books by Debra Dickerson and Jayson
“Color-Blind,” The Boston Globe, Ideas Section, Sunday, February
22, 2004 [review or Debra Dickerson’s “The End of Blackness.”]
“Affirmed … For Now,” The Boston Globe, Ideas Section, Sunday,
June 29, 2003 [arguing that “the Supreme Court’s decision made affirmative
action resoundingly legal. Now comes
the hard part – making it unnecessary”]
Review of “Cornel West: A Critical Reader” (George Yancy, ed.), The
AME Church Review, April-June 2003, pp. 145-47
“On Group Identity and Individual
Behavior,” Faith and Economics (No. 41, Spring 2003, 8-16)
(and Denials) of Responsibility,” The New York Times, March 29,
2003, p. A25 [arguing that “a racially integrated elite is an essential element
of a just society.”]
“Review Symposium on The Anatomy of Racial Inequality,” Ethnicities
Vol. 3(2), 2003: 274-77) [responding to critics]
Supreme Court of the United States, No. 02-241 & 02-516 Barbara
Grutter v. Lee Bollinger, et al.; Jennifer Gratz and Patrick Hamacher v. Lee
Bollinger, et al. Brief Amicus Curiae. Feb. 15, 2003. [Amicus brief of
social scientists arguing that ‘percentage plans’ are not more narrowly
tailored, race-neutral alternatives to conventional affirmative action
programs. Loury was lead author, along
with Nathan Glazer, John Kain, Thomas Kane, Douglas Massey, Marta Tienda and
Brian Bucks]
“Point-Counterpoint,” The New York Daily News, September 19, 2002
[arguing that the pursuit of slavery reparations by American black is a
spectacularly poor political strategy]
“When Color
Should Count,” The New York Times, July 28, 2002, section 4, p.
13 [arguing that ‘color-blindness’ is not an adequate moral principle]
“Race and Inequality: An
Exchange,” First Things May 2002 (pp. 32-40) [replying to critics of The
Anatomy of Racial Inequality]
“Black and White: Why reparations for African-Americans are
intellectually indefensible,” Forbes Magazine, February 4, 2002, p. 44
“Politics, Race and Poverty Research,” chp. 13 in Understanding
Poverty, Sheldon H. Danziger and Robert H. Haveman (eds.), Russell Sage
Foundation/Harvard Univ. Press 2001
“Critical Issues:
Affirmative Action”, “The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World,
second edition”. Joel Krieger, editor, Oxford University Press, 2001,
Comment on, “Financial Work Incentive for Low Wage Workers” by Charles
Michalopoulos & Gordon Berlin. The New World of Welfare, Rebecca M.
Blank & Ron Haskins, eds., Brookings Institution Press, 2001, pp286-288.
Court of the United States, No. 00-730 Adarand Constructors, Inc. vs. Norman Y.
Mineta, Secretary of Transportation, et. al. Brief Amicus Curiae. June 1, 2001.
[Amicus brief arguing that social science evidence should inform
interpretation of ‘strict scrutiny’ doctrine in affirmative action cases,
co-authored with Clark Cunningham and John Skrentny.]
“The Return of the Undeserving Poor”, The Atlantic Monthly,
February 2001, pp. 54-55. [reprinted in Best American Political Writing 2002,
Royce Flippin (ed.), Avalon Publishing, 2002]
Foreword to What’s God Got to Do with the American Experiment?” E.J. Dionne, Jr. and John DiIulio, Jr., editors, Brookings Institution Press, 2000, pp. xi-xiv.
“It’s Futile to Put a Price on Slavery,” The New York Times, May 29, 2000 [On proposed slavery reparations to African-Americans].
“Giving Honor to Treason,” The New York Times, January 17, 2000, A17 [arguing that the Confederate flag should not be atop South Carolina Statehouse].
“Twenty-Five Years of Black America: Two Steps Forward and One Step Back” Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, Volume XXVII, Number 1, March 2000.
“Who Cares About Racial Inequality?” Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, Volume XXVII, Number 1, March 2000.
III. Older Essays, Commentaries and Reviews
“Admit It,” The New Republic, December 27, 1999, p.6 [In defense of affirmative action and ten percent plans in public universities].
Foreword to The Shape of the River by William Bowen and Derek Bok, paperback edition, (Princeton University Press), 1999.
“The Divided Society,” Institute for Human Studies Working Papers, Vienna. August, 1999.
an Idle Question,” The New York Times, August 24, 1999, A19. [On alleged
past drug use by presidential candidate
George W. Bush]
“Tenuous Trickle-Down,” The New York Times, May 29, 1999, A27 [Impact of boom economy on black males]
“’God-Talk’” and Public Policy, Brookings Review, Spring 1999, pp. 2,3.
“Wissenschaft im Dienste des Rassismus?” (Scientific Argument and Racial Hatred) Transit, 16 Winter 1998/99, 64-79.
“The Limits of Policy Reform,” in Mending Fences: Renewing Justice Between Government and Civil Society, Center for Public Justice, 1998, pp. 45-54 [Comment on Kuyper Lecture by Senator Dan Coats]
“Controversy: The Black-White Test Score Gap,” The American Prospect, Nov.-Dec. 1998 (No. 41), pp. 68-70 [Comment on article by Christopher Jencks and Meredith Phillips]
“Color-Blinded,” The New Republic, August 17&24, 1998, p.12 (“Hard Questions” column on affirmative action)
“Uneconomical,” The New Republic, June 29, 1998, pp.14-15 (“Hard Questions” column on the limits of economic analysis in public policy making)
“Why More Blacks Don’t Invest,” The New York Times Magazine, June 7, 1998, pp. 70-71
“Charles II,” The New Republic, May 18, 1998, pp.10-11 (“Hard Questions” column on IQ, inequality and the scholarship of Charles Murray)
“Is the Drug War Racist?” Rolling Stone, May 14, 1998, pp. 35-37 (G. Loury interviewed by Samuel Freedman about drug policy)
“Color Blinded: Multiculturalism and Diversity in Contemporary America,” American Experiment Quarterly, Volume 1 Number 1, Spring 1998, pp. 43-58
“An American Tragedy: The Legacy of Slavery Lingers in Our Cities’ Ghettos,” The Brookings Review, Spring 1998, pp. 36-40
Comment on Tanner Lectures by Prof. Robert M. Solow, in Work and Welfare, Amy Gutmann (ed), Princeton University Press, 1998, pp. 45-54
“Affirmative Action: A Dialogue on Race, Gender, Equality and Law in America,” Focus on Law Studies, Spring 1998 (Vol. XIII, No. 2), pp. 1-15 (contribution to dialogue)
“Unequalized,” The New Republic, April 6, 1998, pp.10-11 (“Hard Questions” column on the 1998 Economic Report of the President).
“Is Affirmative Action on the Way Out? Should It Be?” Commentary, March 1998, pp. 38-40 (contribution to a symposium on the future of affirmative action)
Legal Limits,” The New Republic, February 23, 1998, pp.16-17 (“Hard Questions” column on legislating morality).
“The Most Affirmative Action: Good Works, Public and Private,” Philadelphia Inquirer, January 21, 1998 (Commentary Section).
“Welfare Pair,” The New Republic, January 5 & 12, 1998, pp.9-10 (“Hard Questions” column on welfare reform).
“Why Talk About Race? Welfare and Crime Demand More Than Feel-Good
Chat,” The Washington Post, Sunday Outlook Section, December 7, 1997,
pages C1 and C4.
“Cast Out by the Right,” The New York Times, Sunday, November 30, 1997 (Op-Ed on treatment of race by conservatives).
“Exclusionary Rule,” The New Republic, November 24, 1997, p.13 (“Hard Questions” column on intolerance among conservatives).
“The Conservative Line on Race,” (review essay on America in Black and White: One Nation, Indivisible by Stephan Thernstrom and Abigail Thernstrom), The Atlantic Monthly, November 1997 pp. 144-154. (Excerpted as “Color-Blind? What's wrong with the conservative line on race,” in Books and Culture, March/April 1998, pp. 22-24).
“Comparative Disadvantage,” The New Republic, October 13, 1997, p.29 (“Hard Questions” column on economic theory and social inequality).
“How to Save Affirmative Action,” The New York Times, Sunday, September 7, 1997 (Op-Ed on Piscataway, New Jersey reverse discrimination case).
“Double-Talk,” The New Republic, August 25, 1997, p.23 (“Hard Questions” column on President Clinton's Race Initiative).
“Integrating Public Schools,” The Dallas Morning News, July 6, 1997 (Sunday Morning Reader).
“Getting a Fix,” The New Republic, June 30, 1997, p. 25 (“Hard Questions” column on drug policy).
“Thirty years have changed America's dialogue on race,” The San Diego Union-Tribune, June 22, 1997 (Insight Opinion Section).
“Tourist at the Revolution,” The American Enterprise, May/June 1997, pp. 34-35 (one man's reflection on the 1960s).
“Pride and Prejudice,” The New Republic, May 19, 1997, p.25 (“Hard Questions” column on Afrocentrism).
“Integration Has Had Its Day,”The New York Times, April 23, 1997 (Op-Ed on school desegregation); reprinted as “Integration is Yesterday's Struggle,” in The New Crisis (NAACP magazine), Dec./Jan. 1998, pp. 22,24.
“Skip Gates Reports on Race to America's Cultural Elite,” Boston Magazine, March 1997, pp.137-38.
“How to Mend Affirmative Action,” The Public Interest No. 127 (Spring 1997), pp. 33-43.
“Color-Blinded, (review essay on Mary Lefkowitz's Not Out of Africa) Arion, Vol 4, no. 7, (Winter 1997) pp. 168-185.
“Not by Bread Alone: The Role of Inner-City Churches in Community Development,” (with Linda Datcher Loury) The Brookings Review, Winter 1997, pp. 10-13.
“Blind Ignorance,” (review essay on Dinesh D'Souza's The End of Racism) for Emerge, December/January 1997, pp. 62-65.
“The Divided Society and the Democratic Idea,” Bostonia, Winter '96-'97, pp. 16-20.
“Absolute California,” The New Republic, November 18, 1996, pp. 17-20 (a critical assessment of the California Civil Rights Initiative).
“Going Home,” CommonQuest, (magazine of Black-Jewish Relations) Fall 1996, pp. 11-14.
“A Professor under Reconstruction,” in Finding God at Harvard: Spiritual Journeys of Thinking Christians, Zondervan-Harper Collins, 1996, pp. 67-76.
“Shall We Overcome?” The New Democrat, July/August 1996, pp. (cover story on future of integration).
“Economics Raises Profoundly Moral Questions,” interview in Religion & Liberty, (The Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty), Nov./Dec. 1996, pp. 1-5.
“The Racism We Condemn,” The New York Times, Sunday Week in Review Section, November 24, 1996, p.15 (Op-Ed on the Texaco, Inc. employment discrimination case).
“Are Jobs the Solution?” (review of When Work Disappears: The World of the New Urban Poor by William Julius Wilson) in the Wilson Quarterly, Fall 1996, pp. 89-92.
Response to “On Political Correctness,” comment on my work by Phil Ryan, Rationality and Society, Vol. 8, No. 3, August 1996, pp. 358-360.
“A Look at Integration: The Crisis of Color Consciousness”, Washington Post, Sunday Outlook Section, July 21, 1996, p. C3.
“Across the Great Divide,” (review of Tragic Failure by Tom Wicker and of Coming through the Fire by C. Eric Lincoln), The New York Times Sunday Book Review, June 23, 1996, p. 11.
“A New Black Vanguard,” (with Shelby Steele) The Wall Street Journal, February 29, 1996, p. A18.
“Glenn Loury Replies to Karl Zinsmeister,” special correspondence, The American Enterprise, March/April 1996, pp. 92-94 (debate on race and conservatism).
“Conquering the Enemy Within,” Christianity Today January 8, 1996, pp. 17-20 (interview).
“Performing without a Net,” in George Curry (ed.), The Affirmative Action Debate, Addison-Wesley (1996), pp. 49-64.
“Let Us Work Together to Rebuild Inner-Cities,” Jobs and Capital, Vol.5, Winter 1996, pp. 14-19.
“The Impossible Dilemma,” The New Republic, Jan. 1, 1996, pp. 21-26. (essay on race and crime; reprinted in The New Republic Guide to the Issues: The '96 Campaign, Basic Books, 1996).
“A Dissent from the Incentive Approach to Reducing Poverty,” chp. 6 in Michael R. Darby (ed), Reducing Poverty in America: Views and Approaches, Sage Publications (1996), 111-120.
“What's Wrong with the Right” in The American Enterprise, Jan/Feb 1996, pp. 31-39 [excerpted as “What's Wrong on the Right: Second Thoughts of a Black Conservative,” in Washington Post, Sunday Outlook Section, December 17, 1995, pp. C1/C4].
“One Scholar Meets ... Another Man's Poison”, Bostonia, Winter '95-'96, pp. 73-75 (review essay on Dinesh D'Souza's The End of Racism).
“One Man's March,” The New Republic, Nov. 6, 1995, pp. 18-22 (re. Million Man March); reprinted in The New Republic Guide to the Issues: The '96 Campaign, Basic Books, 1996.
“Values and Judgements: Creating Social Incentives for Good Behavior,” in A Stitch in Time: Repairing the Social Fabric, published by the Institute of Public Affairs (Current Issues Paper), Melbourne, Australia, November 1995.
“A Professor's New Life,” The American Enterprise, Nov/Dec. 1995, pp. 29-30.
“Racial Fixations on the Right,” The Washington Times, Nov. 3, 1995, p. A19.
“Not-So Black and White: The Two Americas Are Actually Converging”, Washington Post, Sunday Outlook Section, October 15, 1995, p. C3.
“Three Star Generalist,” (review of Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity by Francis Fukuyama) The National Review October 9, 1995 pp.56-58.
“It's Sin, Not Skin,” World Magazine, October 7, 1995, p. 22 (on race and social pathologies).
Response to “In What Way Could Political Correctness be Beneficial,” comment on my work by Michael Reay, Rationality and Society, vol. 7, No. 4 (October 1995), pp.497-98.
“The End of Relativism,” (review of The End of Racism: Principles for a Multiracial Society by Dinesh D'Souza) in The Weekly Standard, September 25, 1995, pp. 46-49. [Reprinted in Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Race and Ethnicity R.C. Monk (ed) Dushkin Publishing Group, 2nd ed., 1996].
“A Well Funded Entry in the Black Inferiority Sweeepstakes,” Los Angeles Times, Sep. 24, 1995, p. M5 (commentary on Dinesh D'Souza's The End of Racism).
“Victims and Predators”, (review of Malign Neglect: Race, Crime and Punishment in America by Michael Tonry) in Times Literary Supplement, September 22, 1995 pp.8-9.
“Individualism before Multiculturalism,” The Public Interest, Fall 1995, pp. 92-106. [reprinted in Reinventing the American People: Unity and Diversity Today, Robert Royal (ed), Ethics and Public Policy Center/Eerdmans, 1995; modified version published under same title in Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, Vol. 19, No. 3 (1996)].
“Information Responsibility and Human Services: Comment,” in Individual and Social Responsibility: Child Care, Education, Medical Care and Long Term Care in America, Victor Fuchs (ed), Univ. Chicago Press, 1995, 240-44 (discussing a paper by Prof. Kenneth Arrow).
“Getting Involved: An Appeal for Greater Community Participation in the Public Schools,” Washington Post, Education Review Section, August 6, 1995, pp. 1, 22-23.
“Let's Get On With Dr. King's Idea,” New York Times, July 26, 1995 (on affirmative action).
“Perform Without a Net,” Boston Sunday Globe, June 25, 1995, p. 79 (on affirmative action).
“Renewing the Foundations,” (review of Masters of the Dream by Alan Keyes) The World & I, Vol. 10, No. 6, June 1995, pp.334-37.
“The Social Capital Deficit,” The New Democrat, Vol 7, No. 3, May/June 1995 (contribution to symposium on affirmative action in Democratic Leadership Council's journal).
“Terms of Engagement,” National Review, May 1, 1995, p. 80 (comment on Alien Nation by Peter Brimelow).
“You Can't Boost Virtue by Slashing Public Aid,” Viewpoints, New York Newsday, March 1, 1995, p. A35.
“Ghetto Poverty and the Power of Faith,” in M. Pearlstein (ed) Certain Truths, Center of the American Experiment (1995), 167-176.
Race and Culture (an address to the Australian National Press Club), published by the Institute of Public Affairs (Current Issues Paper), Melbourne, Australia, August 1995.
“Come, Let us Reason and Work Together,” Historic Preservation Forum, Vol. 9/ No. 2 (Winter 1995) pp. 25-32 (Plenary Speech to 48th Annual National Preservation Conference).
“Dispirited,” (comment on The Bell Curve by Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray) The National Review, December 5, 1994 [reprinted in The Bell Curve Debate, R. Jacoby and N. Glauberman (eds), Times Books (Random House), 1995, pp. 346-50].
“A Political Act,” The New Republic, October 31, 1994, pp. 12-13 (a response to Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein's essay on “Race and IQ”).
“Listen to the Black Community,” The Public Interest, Fall 1994, pp. 31-37 (a response to John DiIulio's essay on “Black Crime”).
“Beyond Victimhood: The disappearance of virtue from American public discourse,” Times Literary Supplement, June 10, 1994, pp. 15-16 [reprinted as “The Role of Normative Values in Rescuing the Urban Ghetto,” Chp. 16 in Building a Community of Citizens: Civil Society in the 21st Century, Don Eberly (ed.), University Press of America, 1994].
“The Poverty of Reason,” Boston Review, XIX(1) Feb/Mar 1994 [reprinted in Critical Issues Facing the Church and Society The A.M.E. Church Review, Oct-Dec 1994, pp. 12-17].
“The Alliance is Over: Black-Jewish Relations in the Ninties,” Moment Magazine, June 1994, pp. 32-35, 68-71 [Winner of The American Jewish Press Association's 1994 Simon Rockower Award for Excellence in Jewish Journalism].
“Racial Inequality in the American Economy Today,” Chp. 1.2 in Race and Gender in the American Economy, Susan Feiner (Ed.), Prentice-Hall (1994), pp. 9-12.
“Spiritual Politics,” The Public Interest, Winter 1994, pp. 111-118 (review essay on The Culture of Disbelief by Stephen Carter).
“Self-Censorship,” Partisan Review, Fall 1993, pp. 608-620. [Reprinted in The Politics of Political Correctness, William Phillips (ed), Partisan Review, Inc., Boston, 1994].
“Preaching to the Converted,” The Wilson Quarterly,” Summer 1993, pp. 80-83. (Review essay on Race Matters by Cornel West).
“Miracles are Still Happening,” Commentary, May 1993, pp. 55-56 (review of Upon This Rock: The Miracles of a Black Church, by Samuel Freedman).
“The Moral Dimension,” (comment on the LA Riots) Collier's Encyclopedia 1993 International Year Book, P.F. Collier, Inc., pp. 83-86.
“God and the Ghetto,” Wall Street Journal, February 25, 1993; reprinted in Economics, Ethics and Public Policy, Charles K. Wilber (ed.), Rowman & Littlefield (1998), pp 107-110.
“The New Liberal Racism,” First Things, January 1993, pp. 39-42 (review essay on Two Nations by Andrew Hacker).
“Free at Last? A Personal Perspective on Race and Identity in America” Commentary, October 1992. [Reprinted in Lure and Loathing: Essays on Race, Identity and the Ambivalence of Assimilation, Gerald Early (ed), Viking Press (1993)].
“Two Paths to Black Power,” First Things October 1992 (No.26).
“Permanently Alienated,” The Washington Times, October 25, 1992, p. B7 (review of Faces at the Bottom of the Well: The Permanence of Racism, by Derrick Bell).
“Why Steele Demands More of Blacks than Whites,” Academic Questions, Fall 1992 (Vol. 5, No. 4), pp. 19-23 (review essay on The Content of Our Character by Shelby Steele).
“The Economics of Discrimination: Getting to the Core of the Problem,” Harvard Journal of African American Public Policy (Vol. I, Fall 1992).
Comment on Dean Foster and Rakesh Vohra, “An Economic Argument for Affirmative Action,” in Rationality and Society, July 1992, pp. 364-67.
Comment on Boozer, Kreuger and Wolkon, “Race and School Quality Since Brown,” Brookings Papers on Microeconomic Activity, 1992, pp. 331-34.
“Dilemmas of a Black Intellectual,” Reconstruction, Vol. 1, No. 4, 1992, pp.117-19 (review of Reflections of an Affirmative Action Baby by Stephen Carter).
“The Struggle to Return to Self-Help,” Issues & Views, Winter 1992 [Reprinted in Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Race and Ethnicity R.C. Monk (ed) Dushkin Publishing Group, 1993].
“Doing Well by Doing Good,” The Washington Times, January 5, 1992 (review of The Death of an American Jewish Community by Hillel Levine and Lawrence Harmon).
“Le racisme, si on en parlait franchement?” (translated into French) in America, Autrement, Series Monde-H.S. No 58-59 (Paris) February 1992, Francois Burgess (ed).
“The Saliency of Race,” Chp. 10 in Second Thoughts about Race in America, P. Collier and D. Horowitz, ds., Madison Books (1991).
“I Believe Judge Thomas,” Op-Ed, Boston Globe, October 16, 1991.
“Thomas' Black Foes Fear His Leadership,” Op-Ed, New York Newsday, Aug. 1, 1991.
Review of Streetwise: Race, Class and Change in an Urban Community by Elijah Anderson, in The Washington Times, February 25, 1991.
Review of The Closest of Strangers by James Sleeper, in The Washington Times, September 17, 1990.
“Black Dignity and the Common Good,” First Things, June/July l990 [reprinted in R. Atwan and J. Roberts, Left, Right and Center, Bedford Books, St. Martin's Press, 1996, pp 128-42].
“Black Political Culture after the Sixties,” in Second Thoughts: Former Radicals Look Back at the Sixties, P. Collier and D. Horowitz, eds., Madison Books (1989), pp. 141-148.
“Linking Public and Private Efforts in Overcoming Poverty,” in James S. Denton, ed., Welfare Reform: Consensus or Conflict? Lanham, University Press of America, 1988.
“Matters of Color--Blacks and the Constitutional Order,” The Public Interest, Winter l987, pp. l09-123. [Reprinted in Slavery and Its Consequences, R. Goldwin and A. Kaufman, eds., American Enterprise Institute, Washington, D.C., 1988].
“Remarks on Affirmative Action,” Proceedings of the Forty-Seventh Annual Judicial Conference of the District of Columbia Circuit, in West's Federal Rules Decisions (1987), Vol. ll4, No. 2, pp. 456-462 & 465.
“Who Speaks for American Blacks,” Commentary, January l987, pp. 34-38. [reprinted as “A Call to Arms for Black Conservatives,” in Critical Issues: A Conservative Agenda for Black Americans, Joseph Perkins (ed), Heritage Foundation, Washington, DC 1987].
“The Dimensions of Excellence in a Pluralistic Society,” in Measures in the College Admissions Process: A College Board Colloquium, College Entrance Examination Board, New York, l986, pp. l-6. [Excerpted as “Why Preferential Admissions Is Not Enough for Blacks,” in The Chronicle of Higher Education, March 25, 1987, p. 100].
“The Epic Career of W.E.B. DuBois,” The Washington Times, February 2, 1987 (review of W.E.B. DuBois: Writings edited by Nathan Huggins).
“John Conyers and the New McCarthyism,” Op-Ed Detroit News, October 19, l986.
“Freeing the Inner-City Poor,” in Revitalizing our Cities: New Approaches To Solving Urban Problems. Marc Lipsitz (ed.), Fund for an American Renaissance and National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise, Washington, DC, l986.
“The Family, The Nation, and Senator Moynihan,” Commentary, June l986. (Review essay on Family and Nation by Daniel P. Moynihan).
“A Prescription for Black Progress,” in The Christian Century, April 30, l986.
Comments on “Conflict among Allies”, in “Civil Rights Developments,” special edition of the Rutgers Law Review, Vol. 37, No.4, l986.
“Goals are Quotas,” Op-Ed, Washington Post, March 11, l986.
“Blacks Must Now Fight the Enemy Within,” Op-Ed The Washington Post, August 13, 1985.
“New Dividends Through Social Capital,” Economic Perspectives Column, Black Enterprise Magazine, July l985.
“Drowning New Black Voices in Partisanship,” Op-Ed, Wall Street Journal, February 12, l985.
“Behind the Black-Jewish Split,” Commentary, January l986.
“Beyond Civil Rights,” The New Republic, October 7, l985. [Expanded version appeared in The State of Black America 1986, National Urban League, reprinted in Racial Preference and Racial Justice, Russ Nieli (ed.), Ethics and Public Policy Center, 1991, pp. 435-451].
“A Crisis Grows in Brooklyn,” The New Republic, Sep. 9, l985. (Review essay on Carnarsie: The Jews and Italians of Brooklyn by Jonathan Reider).
“The Color Line Today,” The Public Interest, Summer l985. (Review essay on The Declining Significance of Race, 2nd ed., by William J. Wilson).
“The Moral Quandary of the Black Community,” The Public Interest, Spring l985. [Reprinted in Gaining Ground: New Approaches to Poverty and Dependency, Michael Cromartie (ed), Ethics and Public Policy Center, Washington, DC 1985].
“A New American Dilemma,” The New Republic, December 31, l984.
“Internally Directed for Action for Black Community Development,” Review of Black Political Economy, Summer/Fall l984.
“Black Leadership: Two Lectures in the W. Arthur Lewis Lecture Series” (with Bernard Anderson), PURRC Reprint, Princeton Urban and Regional Research Center, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University, l984.
“On the Need for Moral Leadership in the Black Community,” New Perspectives (U.S. Civil Rights Commission), Vol. 16, No. 1, Summer l984.
“Redirecting Priorities to Help the Black Underclass,” Point of View (Congressional Black Caucus Research Foundation), Summer l984.
“Of Economic Winners and Losers,” Economic Perspectives Column, Black Enterprise Magazine, May l984.
“To Prevent Racial Strife Reagan Must Appeal to Blacks,” Point of View (Congressional Black Caucus Research Foundation), Winter l984.
“Responsibility and Race,” Vital Speeches of the Day, Vol. XLIX, No. 13, April 1983. [Reprinted in Lincoln Review, Vol. 4, No. 2, Fall l983].
“Black Survival in America,” Critical Perspectives of Third World America, Vol. l, Fall l983.
“Black Survival in America,” Economic Perspectives Column, Black Enterprise Magazine, May l983.
Boards, Journals and Committees:
(1) Editorial Board, The Boston Review
(2) Editorial Advisory Board, First Things
(3) Host of The Glenn Show at (online video conversations with guests from academia, journalism & public affairs discussing
economic/political issues.)
(4) Member, “Committee on the Causes and Consequences of High Rates of Incarceration,” National Research Council, National Academy of Science
(5) Advisory Committee, Center for the Study of Slavery and Justice, Brown University
Visiting scholar and lecturer appointments:
Institute of Economics and Statistics, Oxford (1979); Department of Economics, Tel-Aviv
Univ. (1980); Department of Economics, Stockholm Univ. (1982); Institute for Advanced
Study, Princeton, NJ (1985-86); Department of Economics, M.I.T. (1989-90); conference on a
new South African constitution, Johannesburg, SA, August 1992; Delhi School of Economics,
(1994); Institute for Public Affairs, Melbourne, Australia (1995); Institute for Human
Sciences, Vienna (1999); Notre Dame University, Pew Younger Scholars Program (2000);
Visiting Professor of Economics, Columbia University (2010-11)
Selected Testimonies:
Before Labor Committee, U.S. Senate, February 1990 (on the Civil Rights Act of 1990);
before the Sub-committee on Human Resources of the Committee on Ways and Means, U.S.
House of Representatives, January 20, 1995 (on welfare reform); before the Subcommittee on
the Constitution, Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. House of Representatives, December 7,
1995 (on affirmative action); before the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Vatican,
April 24, 1997 (on incorporating disadvantaged populations into the world of work);
before the U.N. Institute for Social Research and Development, at the World Conference
Against Racism, Durban, South Africa, September 2001; before the Joint Economic Committee of
US Congress, October 2007 (on the economics of mass incarceration).
(A) Membership in Honorary Academic and Professional Societies:
Elected Distinguished Fellow of the American Economics Association, 2017
Elected Member, the American Philosophical Society, 2011-
Elected Fellow, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2000-
Elected Member, the Council of Foreign Relations, 1999-
Elected Fellow, the Econometric Society, 1994-
Appointed Member, the Committee on Law and Justice, National Academy of Sciences, 2009-
(B) Distinguished Invited Academic Lectures:
Distinguished Lecture on Identity and Racial Inequality, Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse (France), 2018
Lee Lecture in Political Science and Government, Oxford University, 2016
Tanner Lectures on Human Values (April 2007), Stanford University, “Racial Stigma, Mass Incarceration and American Values,” (Lecture 1 and commentaries
published by MIT Press):
Lecture 1: “Ghettos, Prisons and Racial Stigma”
Lecture 2: “Social Identity and the Ethics of Punishment”
James A. Moffett ’29 Lectures in Ethics, Princeton Univ., November 2003:
Lecture 1: “Relations before Transactions: Toward a new paradigm for discrimination theory.” Lecture 2: “What Price Diversity? The economics and the ethics
of categorical redistribution.”
W.E.B. DuBois Lectures in African American Studies, Harvard University, April 2000:
Lecture 1: “Racial Stereotypes: Information, incentives and group reputations.”
Lecture 2: “Racial Stigma: Virtual versus actual social identities”
Lecture 3: “Racial Justice: The Superficial Morality of Color-Blindness.”
University Lecture, Boston University, 1996: “The Divided Society and the Democratic Idea”
Bradley Lecture, American Enterprise Institute, Washington DC:
1992 Lecture, “Two Paths to Black Progress: Booker T. Washington v. W.E.B. DuBois”
1994 Lecture, “Self-Censorship and Public Discourse: A Theory of Political Correctness”
(C) Other Honors and Awards:
(14) Elected President of the Eastern Economics Association, 2013
(13) Listed, Playboy Magazine's "20 most influential and imaginative" college professors, 2010
(12) Recipient, Honorary Doctorate Degree, Tuskegee University, 2008
(11) Recipient, The “John von Neumann Award,”Budapest University, Hungary, 2005
(10) Appointed, The Merton P. Stoltz Professor of the Social Sciences, Brown University, Sep. 2005
(9) Elected Vice-President of the American Economics Association, 1997
(8) Listed, Templeton Honor Roll for Education in a Free Society, 1997-98
(7) Winner 1996 American Book Awardand Christianity Today Book Award (for my collection
One by One, From the Inside Out: Essays and Reviews on Race and Responsibility in America)
(6) Winner 1994 “Simon Rockower Award for Excellence in Jewish Journalism” (for my essay,
The Alliance is Over: Black-Jewish Relations in the Nineties,” Moment Magazine, June 1994)
(5) Winner, John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, 1985-86
(4) Winner, Carnegie Endowment Scholarship, 2000-2001
(3) Winner, Leavey Award for Excellence in Free Enterprise Education, 1986
(2) Listed, Esquire Register, “Men and Women Under 40 Who Are Changing the Nation,” 1986-87
(1) Listed, National Journal, “150 Who Are Making a Difference” (in national politics) 1986