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Archaeology of College Hill 2008

Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology



Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology & the Ancient World
Brown University
Box 1837 / 60 George Street
Providence, RI 02912
Telephone: (401) 863-3188
Fax: (401) 863-9423
[email protected]

Due Tuesday, 22 September 2009 by 8:00 Discussion

Site reports are the initial forms of output following excavations, and often act as an important reference for other archaeologists working within similar sites, geographical areas, or environments. The way in which site reports organize, present, and communicate archaeological data reflects the archaeologist's fieldwork and how the site and materials are understood in perpetuity.

In your response critically examine the two site reports assigned for Week 2 reading. How did the authors present and organize their information? As an archaeologist, is the data clear, useful, and comprehensive to you? Is anything missing or can anything be improved?

Now think about the site report, or 'output', for the John Brown House. In what form(s) would you like to see the data presented? How would you structure your site report? Be as creative as you like with your responses!

Please post responses below by selecting the "Attach File" option at the bottom of the page.

Alyssa Thelemaque's Section 1 Response

Document IconSection 1 Response.docx

Elise Merchant's Response Paper 1

Document IconANTH1900.RP1.SiteReports.docx

Document IconJPridham Critical Response 1 9.20.2009.doc

Document IconAbed Critical Response 1.rtf

Document Iconcamarillo_critical_response.docx

Document IconResponse 1 Andrew Seiden.doc

Document IconBakerReponse1

Document IconLaura S. 1st response.doc

Document IconAlex M Response Paper 1.doc

Document IconBSmith

Document IconSarah R Critical Response 1.docx

Document Iconbercovitch.response1.docx

Document IconBakerReponse1.doc