Additional staff support is currently being expanded in Campus Life and Student Services.  Since July 2016, a new program coordinator has been hired in the LGBTQ Center, and three key staff positions have been expanded and/or strengthened by retooling existing resources — —the LGBTQ Center director; Protestant chaplain and Muslim chaplain. A part-time position to support Muslim students is also being piloted.


An Assistant Director and Program Coordinator has also been hired in the Brown Center for Students of Color, and searches are currently in progress for the First-Generation College and Low-Income Student Center (program director), Student Support Services (associate dean/director), and Residential Life (director). Retooling of resources also has enabled the division to create a program director for increasing support for international students, and an additional assistant dean in Student Support Services.


Expand support for campus life offices and centers (Chaplains, FLIC, BCSC, LGBTQ and Sarah Doyle)