Current Students
BS in Biology, BA in Mathematics, BA in Chemistry, Rhode Island College
BS, University of California, Santa Cruz
BA, Wellesley College
BS, Xavier University of Louisiana
BS, University of Connecticut
BSc, Marlboro College
BS, Christopher Newport University
I study the structure and behavior of the RNA-binding protein HuR and its role in stabilizing RNA via a variety of biochemical methods including nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and microscale thermophoresis (MST).
MS, Quinnipiac University
BS, Eastern Connecticut State
BS, California State University, Bakersfield
BS, Duke University
Binghamton University
BS in Cell/Molecular Biology
BA in Mathematics
BS, Hartwick College
BA, Colorado College
BS, University of Denver
BS, Emory and Henry College
BA, Northwestern University
BS, University of Pittsburgh
BS, Hunter College CUNY
MS, Northeastern University-Boston
My goal is to make significant contributions to the Healthcare Industry. I am passionate about enhancing global human health by contributing to cellular research, disease prevention and through various improvements in diagnostics.
BS, University of Massachusetts Boston
MS, Tufts University
BS, BA, Tufts University
BS, Southern Oregon University
BS, California State University, Fullerton
BA, University of Massachusetts Boston
BS, University of Washington -
BS, Western Washington University
BS, Boston College
Master of Science in Statistical Practice, Boston University
I am interested in investigating the biological mechanisms underlying aging. In the long-term, I aim to translate my research findings into the development of interventions that can delay or prevent the onset of age-associated diseases and extend human healthspan.
BS, UNC Chapel Hill
BS, Rhode Island College, 2017
BS in Cell and Molecular Biology and Biotechnology at California State University, Northridge
Research Area(s): Biology of Aging
BS, Morehouse College
Research interests: Aging, Senescence, and Telomere Erosion
BS, University of Maryland College Park
AB, Harvard University
BS, Bay Path University
BS, The Pennsylvania State University
MS, New York University
BS, University of Rhode Island; MS, Brown University
BS, University of Utah
BS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
BS, Edward Waters University
BS, Rochester Institute of Technology
BS, University of Texas Austin
BS, College of Mount St Vincent
BS (Biotechnology) MS (Molecular biology) University of the Punjab, Pakistan
BS; MS, Northeastern University
BS in Biology, BA in Psychology, Indiana University Bloomington
MS, Columbia University
BS, Tufts University
Research Area(s): Biology of Aging
BS, Rhode Island College
BS, University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Campus
M.Sc, Bangor University
BA, Connecticut College
BS, University of Florida
BS, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
B.A., College of The Holy Cross
BSc, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
B.S San Diego State University
BS, Roger Williams University
BS, Shanghai Jiao Tong University