Pilot Projects

Pilot Project Award Program

Request for Applications (Click here to view full RFA)

The COBRE Center for Addiction and Disease Risk Exacerbation (CADRE) investigates biopsychosocial mechanisms by which substance use disorders (SUDs) increase the risk for or exacerbate chronic disease in vulnerable populations, especially underrepresented ethnic and racial minorities. CADRE’s long-term goals are to provide the scientific, administrative, and financial support needed to conduct the best and highest-impact science on SUDs and their chronic disease manifestations, and to launch the careers of early career faculty by helping them to attain independent funding.

The CADRE is reissuing its Funding the Future: Pilot Award Program which supports 1-2 pilot projects (PPs) annually. Each project will be led by early career investigators from several disciplinary backgrounds (i.e. sociology, economics, anthropology, psychology, medicine). Through this effort, CADRE aims to increase the quantity, quality, and breadth of research on mechanisms linking substance use and chronic disease.

The CADRE COBRE is comprised of an administrative core, a clinical laboratory core, a recruitment and community engagement core, and research projects led by early career faculty at Brown University who have not yet received an external research project grant (R01) or Program Project Grant (PPG) from a Federal or non-Federal source that names the investigator as PI/PD.

CADRE is currently seeking applications from potential pilot project leads (PPLs) who fit the above description. Topics should be at the intersection of substance use and chronic disease, such as addressing how alcohol or other substance use may affect the prevention, treatment, or survivorship of a chronic health condition such as cancer or cardiovascular disease.

Interested early career faculty are required to email a one paragraph concept idea to be reviewed by CADRE leadership. Please email this paragraph to [email protected] by August 1, 2024. Clearance through this mechanism is required prior to submitting a full proposal. Full applications are due by noon on October 1, 2024. Applications should be emailed to [email protected] with the subject heading “Application for CADRE Pilot Project”.

For full application instructions, please view Funding the Future: Pilot Project Award Program RFA



Questions and concerns regarding the Center for Addiction and Disease Risk Exacerbation COBRE application may be directed to: [email protected]