In this page we link code, data or other additional information associated with various publications. Enjoy!
Appendix for Treatments for Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Technical Appendix for Urinary Incontinence (Annals of Internal Medicine)
Network Meta-Analysis Model and Code
Associated papers: Pharmacologic and Nonpharmacologic Treatments for Urinary Incontinence in Women: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis of Clinical Outcome
Technical Appendix for NMSC
Network Meta-Analysis Model and Code
Associated papers: Appendix G. Network Meta-Analysis Model and Code
ACL 2014 (irony)
Data (& code) for our ACL 2014 paper
Associated papers: Humans Require Context to Infer Ironic Intent (so Computers Probably do, too)
JAGS code and R data for multinomial network model
JAGS code for multinomial network model for the example using partial data (five outcomes, three treatments)
Associated papers: Bayesian network meta-analysis for unordered categorical outcomes with incomplete data
JAS code
Source code for our Joint, Additive, Sequential model of topics and speech acts.
Associated papers: A Generative Joint, Additive, Sequential Model of Topics and Speech Acts in Patient-Doctor Communication
Online physician reviews
A corpus of (50,000+) online reviews of physicians across multiple aspects of care.
Associated papers: What Affects Patient (Dis)satisfaction? Analyzing Online Doctor Ratings with a Joint Topic-Sentiment Model
Imbalanced dataset
This is a collection of 35 imbalanced binary classification datasets. These have been preprocessed into feature-vectors (and ultimately into SVM-light style sparse-formatted files).
Associated papers: Improving Class Probability Estimates for Imbalanced Data
Corpus of encoded, imbalanced binary classification datasets
A set of 35 datasets used in our work on class probability estimates in imbalanced scenarios.
Associated papers: Class Probability Estimates are Unreliable for Imbalanced Data (and How to Fix Them)
Code for all-subsets meta-analysis
Stata c-plug-in to perform all-subsets meta-analysis.
Associated papers: GOSH – a graphical display of study heterogeneity
Infinite Jest (annotated)
The text of infinite jest annotated with sub-narratives.
Associated papers: Multiple narrative disentanglement: Unraveling infinite jest
Multiple time points
Stata code for "Meta-analysis of outcomes reported at multiple time points: a multivariate approach"
Associated papers: Meta-analysis of effect sizes reported at multiple time points: A multivariate approach