Grants that name an individual as a co-investigator, collaborator, consultant, or to a position other than PD/PI or PD/PI on research grants that allow multiple PD(s)/PIs, do not disqualify that investigator. Academic Research Enhancement Award (AREA) grants, exploratory/pilot project grants (such as NIH R03 and R21 awards), mentored career development awards (such as NIH K01 and K08 awards), or other Federal or non-Federal funding whose purpose is to provide preliminary support in anticipation of an RPG or PPG also do not disqualify the investigator. The intent of this FOA is to support and develop promising investigators whose early career support consists of awards geared toward initiating their intended area of research. However, investigators who have managed to obtain significant support in the form of a RPG or PPG (e.g., NIH R01, K99/R00, or P01, NSF, or other Federal or non-Federal agency awards) are not eligible. Each Project Lead should indicate in his/her Biographical Sketch their current and previous history of peer-reviewed research support.