This is the page where you will find your questions answered about the COBRE Center for Computational Biology of Human Disease Research Project Awards.  If your question is not listed here, please email your question to Tricia at [email protected].  


Postdoctoral researchers are not eligible.

Applicants must have a faculty appointment (or equivalent at a research institute) at the time the award is made.  So, if the award is scheduled to be awarded for 3/1/20, your appointment would have to be effective before that date.  In addition, the faculty appointment must already be in process at the time that you apply.

No.  The K99/R00 award is considered an R01 equivalent award and disqualifies you from applying for this award.

If you currently have or have had an NSF award research project where you are the sole PI, you are not eligible to apply.  

If you are currently on or have had an NSF Fellowship in the past, please contact [email protected] or call Tricia at 401-863-6275 to discuss this.  Please have the information about your award available.

If you are currently on or have had an NSF early career award, you may still be eligible to apply for this award. 

If you are one of multiple PIs on an NSF award, you may still be eligible for this award. 

Grants that name an individual as a co-investigator, collaborator, consultant, or to a position other than PD/PI or PD/PI on research grants that allow multiple PD(s)/PIs, do not disqualify that investigator. Academic Research Enhancement Award (AREA) grants, exploratory/pilot project grants (such as NIH R03 and R21 awards), mentored career development awards (such as NIH K01 and K08 awards), or other Federal or non-Federal funding whose purpose is to provide preliminary support in anticipation of an RPG or PPG also do not disqualify the investigator. The intent of this FOA is to support and develop promising investigators whose early career support consists of awards geared toward initiating their intended area of research. However, investigators who have managed to obtain significant support in the form of a RPG or PPG (e.g., NIH R01, K99/R00, or P01, NSF, or other Federal or non-Federal agency awards) are not eligible. Each Project Lead should indicate in his/her Biographical Sketch their current and previous history of peer-reviewed research support.

No.  You can choose your mentors from other institutions; however, they will need to be approved by us.  If you choose a mentor in an IDeA state, we will create a subaward to pay them.  If you choose a mentor from a non-IDeA state, we need to pay them using a Professional Service Agreement that will reimburse them for 0.5 months of their salary and fringe benefit rate up to the NIH Salary cap amounts; we cannot pay indirect costs on the Professional Service Agreements. 

Click here to be taken to the NIH website page that shows the IDeA states.

The CBC staff can help with analyzing the data; however, more importantly, they will work with you to develop pipelines/software geared towards your analysis needs and provide training so that your group can eventually conduct these analyses independently. This is so that you can apply these high throughput experimental approaches over and beyond the period of the award.

Based on your data analysis requirements, the CBC staff will work with you and your lab to develop appropriate pipelines/software and provide training so the group can eventually conduct these kinds of analyses independently. Additionally, the staff will help troubleshoot related issues arising from both computational and software related issues. The awardees will also have priority access to CBC staff with regards to consulting services such as feedback on experimental design and insights on interpretability of analysis. In addition, they will have access to the shared computational infrastructure dedicated within the CBC for the awardees.