Serial | Date | Summary
06/29/01 |
Margaret A. Jablonski named dean for campus life at Brown University |
06/27/01 |
People say they are unique but don’t seem to believe it, study finds |
06/15/01 |
Brown announces new Department of Africana Studies |
06/25/01 |
First long-range look at the effects of weight-loss on type 2 diabetes |
06/13/01 |
Gail E. Cohee named director of Sarah Doyle Women’s Center |
06/13/01 |
81 percent of R.I. voters believe corruption is a problem in Providence |
06/11/01 |
New material’s odd traits to help improve computer memory |
06/11/01 |
Damage to global environment is a top concern, young people say |
05/31/01 |
Brown urges grad students to preserve collegial mentoring relationship |
06/04/01 |
Disagreement – not harmony – is key to business success, study says |
06/04/01 |
Op-Ed: Liberians’ fear of being denied refuge is a real one |
06/04/01 |
Mount Hope Bay warmer due to Brayton Point power plant discharge |
05/31/01 |
Brown, Trinity Rep form consortium for graduate study in theater arts |
05/28/01 |
Faculty presents highest honor to Interim President Sheila E. Blumstein |
05/29/01 |
Bell Gallery to exhibit latest Fessler work and new acquisitions |
05/28/01 |
Faculty, trustee and students to receive Commencement honors |
05/28/01 |
Brown Corporation elects eight new trustees to its 42-member board |
05/23/01 |
Access and press credentials for Brown’s 233rd Commencement |
05/23/01 |
John Carter Brown Library hosts new maritime history exhibit |
05/21/01 |
Op-Ed: Corruption is losing its role in China |
05/23/01 |
Public gives R.I. State Police high marks on professionalism and service |
05/15/01 |
Op-Ed: Is day care worse than cocaine? |
05/21/01 |
Brown will award nine honorary degrees at Commencement May 28 |
05/11/01 |
Dr. Paul Farmer, to speak at Medical School’s Commencement |
05/15/01 |
Madeleine Albright to deliver Baccalaureate address on May 27 |
05/10/01 |
Laura Linney, Barry Scheck to headline Commencement Forums |
05/07/01 |
Upholding a Brown tradition, two seniors will address graduating class |
05/07/01 |
Brown University to hold 233rd Commencement Monday, May 28 |
05/17/01 |
Brown’s graduating Class of 2001 offers some noteworthy stories |
05/03/01 |
Twenty-six undergraduates receive Royce Fellowships for research |
05/02/01 |
NPR’s Ira Glass to speak on ‘A New Kind of Radio’
May 6 |
05/01/01 |
Accreditation team will evaluate Brown’s Police and Security Services |
04/30/01 |
Howard Foundation names 13 fellowship recipients for 2001-02 |
04/27/01 |
Study finds barriers to immigrants’ involvement in children’s education |
04/30/01 |
Eight Brown employees receive President’s Achievement Awards |
04/26/01 |
Journalist Robert Zelnick to speak on open government and privacy |
04/25/01 |
Office of Campus Life begins study of Campus Climate Assessment |
04/20/01 |
Three faculty members win 2001 Guggenheim Fellowships |
04/18/01 |
Study finds holes dug in dry-sand beach can collapse and suffocate |
04/24/01 |
Study finds persistent and severe pain among nursing home residents |
04/11/01 |
Boswell to deliver inaugural Casey Shearer Memorial Lecture |
04/10/01 |
Bell Gallery to exhibit selections from its collection through May 28 |
04/10/01 |
Applications available for Brown Summer High School July 2-27 |
04/09/01 |
Health alert for students who visited Acapulco during spring break |
04/13/01 |
Ellen O’Connor named vice president for finance at Brown University |
04/06/01 |
CBS anchor Dan Rather to receive journalism award April 16 |
03/30/01 |
Dame Cicely Saunders, hospice movement founder, to speak April 19 |
03/29/01 |
Bell Gallery to join in Dion’s New England Digs Project April 3–6 |
03/28/01 |
Former Canadian Prime Minister Kim Campbell to speak April 16 |
04/05/01 |
Researchers find evidence of aging system that may promote long life |
03/26/01 |
General Motors to fund $3-million materials lab at Brown |
03/23/01 |
Brown issues statement on campus security in response to mail threat |
04/30/01 |
Ear drops may reduce need for antibiotics to treat ear infections |
03/21/01 |
Dean of the College to host faculty forum on civil discourse, free press |
03/20/01 |
A call for support, debate and dialogue to resolve disagreements |
03/17/01 |
University urges discussion, dialogue in resolving free-speech issues |
03/19/01 |
ACLU’s Nadine Strossen to speak on ‘Cyberliberties’ April 5 |
03/16/01 |
Author Samuel Shem to speak on medicine and literature April 4 |
03/16/01 |
Medical students to receive residency placements on Match Day (3/16) |
03/16/01 |
Former FDA head David Kessler to discuss confronting ‘Big Tobacco’ |
03/15/01 |
Conference to address implications of charting the human genome |
03/13/01 |
Op-Ed: Once again, a crossroads in the Balkans |
03/09/01 |
Balkan experts to speak on ‘The Downfall of the Milosevic Regime’ |
03/07/01 |
Memorial service for Elizabeth J. Cronin set for Monday, March 12 |
03/06/01 |
Dieting study finds Internet effective in producing initial weight loss |
02/27/01 |
John Medesky to headline 14th Brudner Memorial Concert March 3 |
02/27/01 |
University sets inauguration of Ruth Simmons for October 14, 2001 |
02/24/01 |
Brown University issues an interim report on financial aid issues |
02/24/01 |
Brown Corporation approves 3.6 percent increase in total charges
02/24/01 |
Brown adopts an ‘early decision’ admission policy for early
applicants |
02/27/01 |
R.I. voters favor car tax phaseout; oppose Clinton pardon of Rich |
02/22/01 |
Teen-agers take seats at state capitols in ‘laboratory for democracy’ |
02/20/01 |
Op-Ed: Powell may reverse hard times at the State Department |
02/20/01 |
Public Affairs Conference to end with children’s concert, events |
02/20/01 |
Researchers to develop brain monitoring system for Mars exploration |
02/16/01 |
Remembering and admiring two hard-working black men |
02/14/01 |
Lowry to headline 21st annual Brown/Providence Journal conference |
02/13/01 |
Providence residents say public schools are moving in right direction |
02/09/01 |
Brown to present French Film Festival Feb. 22 through March 4 |
02/06/01 |
Op-Ed: Ken Burns’ Jazz succeeds as a documentary |
02/06/01 |
Op-Ed: School reform plans should include urban school districts |
02/01/01 |
Kosovo, Milosevic era are topics for Watson Institute lecture series |
02/01/01 |
Brown University celebrates annual Years of Service Awards |
01/31/01 |
L.A. mayor, R.I. superintendent to discuss future of urban schools |
01/30/01 |
Howard Gardner to speak on good work research Feb. 12 |
01/25/01 |
Winner named in Brown/Providence Journal photography contest |
01/23/01 |
Brown-led team observes melting in a superconductor |
01/17/01 |
Artists mix fact and fantasy in False Witness exhibition at Bell Gallery |
01/16/01 |
People prefer to know when a stressful event is about to occur |
01/12/01 |
Jane E. Smith to give Martin Luther King Jr. Lecture Jan. 29 |
01/11/01 |
Op-Ed: Iranian women’s situation has improved under Islamic Republic |
01/05/01 |
John Carter Brown Library to host early New England map exhibition |
01/05/01 |
Op-Ed: The United States has its own record of atrocities |
01/04/01 |
RI computer ownership doubles since ’94 but trails New England, U.S. |
12/15/00 |
Op-Ed: Can reliving history teach and change us? |
12/14/00 |
Op-Ed: The American social drama |
12/07/00 |
Brown and Providence Journal to sponsor photography contest |
11/30/00 |
Ralph Nader to speak about democracy and big business Dec. 3 |
11/03/00 |
Op-Ed: Today’s entertainment descends from minstrel shows |
11/28/00 |
Scholar’s book about the Azores to be launched in New Bedford |
11/30/00 |
Brown University addresses compliance issues raised in EPA report |
11/27/00 |
Rev. Al Sharpton to speak about blacks and the political process |
11/27/00 |
Brown-led study to examine consequences of Harvard Pilgrim closing |
11/20/00 |
Poet Carolyn Forché to discuss The Angel of History Dec. 4 |
11/16/00 |
Study to look at lifestyle factors influencing the decision to retire |
11/17/00 |
Panel of political scientists to discuss long-term impact of Florida vote |
11/10/00 |
University orchestra teams with Bill Harley for children’s concert |
11/10/00 |
St. Luke’s Trombone Quartet, Wind Symphony to perform Nov. 17 |
11/09/00 |
Ruth J. Simmons named 18th president of Brown University |
11/07/00 |
Brown unveils Greer Chair in Geriatric Medicine |
11/03/00 |
Brown-led center receives grant to create lightwave superchip |
11/02/00 |
Study indicates certain rules underlie calling behavior of bullfrogs |
11/01/00 |
Author Barry Lopez to speak on social responsibility Nov. 15 |
10/31/00 |
Op-Ed: In Yugoslavia, now for the hard part |
10/30/00 |
Op-Ed: Helping Serbia enter the company of civil societies |
10/27/00 |
University to host conference on multi-media Nov. 2-4 |
10/27/00 |
Op-Ed: The Catskills always survive |
10/25/00 |
Bell Gallery to exhibit Kim Dingle and the Wild Girls Nov. 11 |
10/30/00 |
Study finds problems with access to public information in R.I. courts |
10/24/00 |
Paul Armstrong named dean of the College at Brown University |
10/18/00 |
Researchers use wildcards to develop better way to sequence DNA |
10/19/00 |
Study describes brain changes during learning |
10/16/00 |
Head Start architect Sheldon White to speak about early education |
10/16/00 |
Brown Festival of Contemporary Music debuts Oct. 26-28 |
10/05/00 |
Robert Reich to speak on ‘Who Cares about Politics?’ Oct. 25 |
10/04/00 |
Federal Reserve’s William Poole to speak on monetary policy |
10/02/00 |
Op-Ed: Should we associate with the Scouts? |
09/27/00 |
NSF awards Brown $7 million for materials and engineering center |
09/28/00 |
Five-year, $11-million NIH grant will support Brown genetics research |
09/22/00 |
Steven Clift to headline policy forum on the digital divide Sept. 28 |
09/21/00 |
John Hay Library to open new William S. Burroughs exhibit Oct. 10 |
09/21/00 |
Brown computer scientists receive grant to speed Internet use |
09/21/00 |
Brown team looks for new ways to examine scientific data |
09/14/00 |
Robert Reich to speak at investment conference Sept. 21 |
09/12/00 |
Women perform better in math when tested without men, study says |
09/11/00 |
Op-Ed: A tolerable death |
09/11/00 |
A report card for ‘e-government’ Web sites to be released Sept. 15 |
09/07/00 |
John Carter Brown Library to host exhibit on colonial Brazil |
09/11/00 |
R.I. offers nation a view of the future for higher quality end-of-life care |
08/24/00 |
Brown engineering and neuroscience group wins grant for brain study |
08/22/00 |
Johnnie Cochran to speak on “Justice in America” Sept. 7 POSTPONED |
08/22/00 |
Non-whites rate court performance and fairness lower than whites |
08/18/00 |
Brown summer program trains teachers in world affairs curriculum |
08/17/00 |
Opening Convocation to welcome 1,420 students in Class of 2004 |
08/11/00 |
Bell Gallery to present recent work of Stephan Balkenhol |
08/11/00 |
Brown faculty offers perspectives on aspects of the presidential race |
08/18/00 |
Op-Ed: Disengaged youth – What’s a politician to do? |
08/09/00 |
The Ivy League decision: questions and answers about Brown football |
08/01/00 |
Brown physicist proposes that electron can be split in two |
08/02/00 |
Cynthia E. Frost named chief investment officer |
08/02/00 |
Walter C. Hunter named vice president for administration |
07/21/00 |
University statement on Susan Klein vs. Brown University |
08/16/00 |
Campus Life Task Force recommends changes to residential system |
07/14/00 |
Evening of West African dance and music |
07/10/00 |
Study finds caregivers often postpone seeking treatment for themselves |
06/29/00 |
Brown University officials present master plan update to community |
07/01/00 |
Scientists record movement of herpes simplex virus in nerve cell |