Honors and Awards
2026, Past President, Institute of Mathematical Statistics (Jul 2026-Jul 2027)
2025, President, Institute of Mathematical Statistics (Aug 2025-Jun 2026)
2024, President Elect, Institute of Mathematical Statistics (Aug 2024-Jul 2025)
2022, ICM (International Congress of Mathematicians) Invited Speaker, 2022
2022, Clay Senior Scholar
2021, Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship
2021, Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
2021, Distinguished Research Achievement Award, Brown University
2020, Newton Award, DoD (Department of Defense)
2020, Guggenheim Fellowship
2020, Fellow of SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)
2020, Distinguished Alumna Award, IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) Bombay
2019, Fellow of AAAS (American Assoc. for the Advancement of Arts & Sciences)
2018, Simons Fellowship
2018, Roland George Dwight Richardson University Professorship , Brown University
2018, Fellow of INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research Management Sciences)
2018, Fellow of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
2015, Medallion Lecture IMS (Institute of Mathematical Statistics)
2013, Fellow of IMS (Institute of Mathematical Statistics)
2006, Erlang Prize, Applied Probability Society of INFORMS
1996, Stella Dafermos Award for Academic Achievement, Brown University
1995-1996, Simon Ostrach Fellowship, Brown University
1995, President's Award for Excellence in Teaching (Honorable Mention) Brown University
1992-1993, Graduate School Fellowship, Brown University, Providence, RI 1992–1993
1992, R.D. Sethna Scholar, R.D. Sethna Trust, Mumbai, India