Ana G. San Martin
Doctoral Student in Archaeology and the Ancient World (Ph.D. expected, May 2025)

Ana G. San Martín received her B.A. (2016) in Archaeology and her M.A. (2019) in Epistemology of Natural and Social Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. Her undergraduate research was centered on the impact of colonial discourses in Cypriot prehistoric archaeology, and during her Master's program, she focused on problematizing temporality in archaeological research. Her fieldwork experience has focused on the Bronze and Iron Age periods in Spain and Cyprus. Prior to coming to Brown, she was a Teaching Assistant at Wesleyan University’s Department of Romance Languages and Literatures.

Ana's research focuses on landscapes of rural labour, seasonality and social complexity during the second millennium BC, with a particular focus on the environmental interpolation between communities of practice (human, animal and vegetal) and the traceability of their different types of action on the physical landscape of the Cypriot hinterland. She is interested in seeing how these changes in cultural and social strategies articulate notions of collaboration, mobility, temporality and social memory through their material traces on the ground. 

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